Any gloryholefags out there?
I went to try giving it today as I want to suck the d but don't want to interact with the rest.
How do you get a dude to leave when you're not interested. His dick was nasty and he just hung out there until I decided to leave.
the point of gloryholes is not caring who sticks their dick in, faggot
the point of the guy sticking it in is to not care what fucking disgusting slampig whore or dude is on the other side
it's like you completely missed the point of a gloryhole
Would love to try this. Where are you from? 21/M here
Florida. You should. I just wish my first experience was a little better.
I'd love to, but I'm just so scared of STDs
Where at in florida? Im up in the panhandle.
Transmission via Oral is so minimal, this guys though was just red and blotchy.
The only things that can transmit via it are HSV/HPV but most of us already have them so whatevs.
Tampa area
are you gay or are you tits