1: The flower of life. The genius pattern

1: The flower of life. The genius pattern.

I was born into a world you may not understand.

Other urls found in this thread:


2: Phi and Fibonacci sequence critical.

Where I come from, everything is the same.

what is three?

3: Phi golden ratio. A + B = C. C x Phi = D, C + D = E = A + B + D. Ad infinitum.

Everything that exists there ruthlessly consumes the everything around it, hoping that it will give the satisfaction it so desires.

4: Phi root off all of your “sequences.” Only two needed, like circle and square. Like each human finger phone = phi to the next bone. It is everywhere.

It enjoys consuming these things, but when it is without them, it suffers. No matter how much it consumes, the satisfaction is never permanent.

Idk what this is in reference to, but those are clearly Alienware symbols...

5: Giza had Phi ratio.

But it still doesn't understand. "Maybe it needs more?"

more please.
right, clearly it's an alienware manual for one of their laptops.

is this alienware ?

no, it involves aliens user. No, I am not joking or being ironic, google what the CARET program is. I recognized this stuff from before, but I had to confirm it.