Sup guys I made 20,000$+ last month in passive income. Last year I was flipping hotdogs at mcdonalds. Ask me anything!

sup guys I made 20,000$+ last month in passive income. Last year I was flipping hotdogs at mcdonalds. Ask me anything!

How long where you giving out mchandys for?

don't you think it's too soon?

Passive income? What is? How do?

Define "passive income"

Can I have some?

Can you flip my hotdog behind a mcdonalds?

Does McDonalds serve hotdogs nowdays?

>says he completely changed his life and became rich
>cant bother to explain how
Doubt it...

do like knowledge over materialistic things?

yes hotdog

Would you like your hotdog flipped or unflipped?

Why are you a pathological liar?

u sound a little buthurtt at my massive success b rah

>makes 20k in a month
>has spare time to spend on Sup Forums
>not enough spare time to spell out words
>can't be bothered to explain even in basic detail how he makes 20k in a month
Oh, okay.

dont worry the man will take it all soon enough.

i flip houses u butthurtt loser :):)


Flipping houses is not passive income you dense fucking piece of shit. Learn the fucking language.

not when you own 20 houses loser :):)

This fucking faggot. I don't care if you're flipping 1 house or 20 houses, flipping houses is not passive income. Again, learn the fucking language and come back when your balls drop, you dumb fucking piece of shit.