What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

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I actually enjoy this show but this sketch was very lazy and pointless. They were attempting Wonder Showzen levels of being provocative and funny yet lacked any wit or humor or even purpose. It felt edgy and out of place.

He pandered to Jewish execs to get his show.

Apparently it was suppose to be "JEWS RULE!" but it was changed.

First episodes have been trash and Sam knows it. on Facebook he's posted shit like "next 2 episodes will be better."

heard this as well

by the more vague "rock" they can pass this sketch off as le random absurdist humor

Weird. Unless we saw a very edited cut (likely) it still felt pointless. Like all they did was put on a fake children's show and said Jews Rock/Rule repeatedly. Compare it to the Slaves song on Wonder Showzen and this just seems like a poor imitation

That's what he said after the first episode.

I believe the original sketch was probably "jews rule" but it got censored

it doesn't mean anything, it's just there to get people to talk

Any torrent links to this? I'm an ausfag so I can't watch it any other way.

somewhat agreed but the cuts to the crew and executives were gold

This. Would have been much funnier if a dirtbike crashed through the set out of nowhere. It would have been extremely random and unexpected and therefore incredibly funny.

it's on youtube if you're decent at searching

one of the best parts of the whole episode

>shitting on a 30 second skit

Steven Universe.

I don't understand why people liked that

I thought it was gay as fuck

Because they're jews, and they're making a skit that is sarcastically praising jews, while demonstrating their bizarrely disproportionate influence on the entertainment industry.

Artistically, "rock" actually works better

>didnt get the message

it shoulda had both desu

He meant
>Jews, [we'll throw] rock[s at them]

All those different animals happily jamming together, promoting racemixing and multiculturalism, to the tune of joyful, hyper-simplistic childish music, representing the dilution of Art and culture at the hands of the Jews; and all the little kids with awkward smiles across their faces just purposelessly dancing about, not having a single clue what the fuck is even going on, representing the brainwashed goyims, in stark contrast to the grim [adult swim] directors in the background pulling the strings like the soulless Jews they are.

Sam Hyde choking under the weight of his costume as he gasps for fresh air, but keeps on dancing nevertheless to not ruin the show, representing both: truth-seeking people choking on the lies they're being fed, hungry for happiness and truth, but finding none, yet still desperately dancing to the tune because that's all they know; and also people who know the truth, yet struggle on how to disclose it for fear of severe social repercussions, who in the meantime are having a hard time keep up appearances.



I have nothing but a complete lack of surprise that World Peace was a pathetic, abysmal failure of a show, and I have nothing but scorn and contemptuous laughter for the morons who have been supporting Million Dollar Extreme for years with patronage. Laziness and lack of organisation will ALWAYS shine through, in the end.

Million Dollar Extreme have based their entire schtick around "humorous irony" but this time, when they themselves were put to the test ("can YOU make a good comedy show, with all your supposed knowledge about it?") their true colors shone through for all to see. I knew it would happen, of course. I knew it from the first time I decided to bite the proverbial bullet and attempt to view one of their videos on Youtube.

Hopefully as a direct result of this, one or more of the members of Million Dollar Extreme will realise that they are, and have been, nothing but an abhorrent failure "half-assing it" through life, and put an end to it. Their life, that is. Now THAT I would give patronage to.

Make your suicides happen, Million Dollar Extreme. It's the only chance at redemption you all have.

It was actually pretty provocative because during the music video they kept cutting to all the Jewish executives sitting around on set. I'd be very surprised if they don't pull the plug on this.

damn... really makes you think huh....

where can i watch this shit besides adultswim aka (((free)))


>being an mde apologist

only 2 episodes out so far?

Can someone link me to the clip of the skin head spitting on Sam?

Go to adult swims kikebook page and comment on the video

Don't think they've released that vid yet

Gotta link to the webm?

someone make a webm of jews rock

I remember watching this on tv and the only thing I could think was theabsolutemadman.png

the best part of the skit was how Sam was dressed as the stork from Vlasic Kosher Pickles

>i use kikebook


What's up Sup Forums

You took all that time to type that out lol