ITT: We trivialize a character's struggles with >muh
>muh daughter
ITT: We trivialize a character's struggles with >muh
>muh daughter
>muh pelts
>Muh flightplan
>muh sister's tight pussy
>muh corners
>muh quiet life
5 star post
>muh jews
>muh job
>muh white utopia
>muh chelle
>muh few
>muh dinner party
Muh existential crisis
>Muh precious
Muh name
god dammit
>muh star wars
>muh dragonballs
first post best post
>muh dead father
Godammit, I laughed way harder than I should have
>muh oldest lie in america
>muh chicken tendies
Raimi plz
>muh daddy
>muh family
>muh horses
>muh wyverns
>muh seat
>muh high ground
>muh donuts
>Muhoe's tavern
>muh lawn
>muh Waitress
>muh delegates
>muh gic
> muh Martha
>muh dick
>muh freedom
>*suck* *suck* *suck*
>muh wormholes, john
>muh rinho
>muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh muh
>muh name is Kunta Kinte
>Muh Harley
>Will Smith will do Suicide Squad but not Independence day 2
Why? He could have saved it
He underestimated Warner Bros. fuckery
Memories of my family. it's a korean movie
>muh pompadoure
I still remember every groaning in the theater when this happened after all the hype we had during their battle
Fucking hell Snyder
Fuck that white guilt kike
> muh muh muh muuuh
>thinking anybody else in the theater wanted to hear your autistic noises and how you felt about the movie
Jesus Christ how cringey I hope someone spit in your hair
>muh-uth full of cum
>muh struggle to maintain a grasp of meaning and purpose in a nihilistic post-apocalyptic wasteland while not compromising my own moral code and sense of dignity
>also muh cat oil
>Muh muh
>MUH parents
>muh Earth
>muh wifes son
Lol glad I could help.
Very nice
>muh fox force
It's in the filename.
Is there any logical reason why you would fucking say that post is underrated? Has anybody expressed any kind of dissatisfaction or criticism at all against it? Are you delusional? Are you reading replies that are nonexistant? Maybe you come from communities with voting systems, but there is literally no way that you could know what other people think of that post you just replied to here. Maybe it's psychological. Maybe it's your own post you're replying to, like a 12 year old fucktard liking his own facebook posts thinking his swelling autism is going unnoticed. Maybe your self esteem depends on you tricking yourself into thinking someone out there thinks your post is worth something. Or maybe you are just a retard, the worst kind of retard, the one who thinks he's smart, the one who thinks he's the only one to have gotten the joke, to have understood the post. Well, guess what, faggot, that post is under no definition underrated so why don't you do the world a favor and go check out what the bottom of your toilet smells like?
>muhm's gonna freak!
no dumb ass. he really enjoyed the post. he looked at the time stamp and realized an hour had passed with no replies. he felt the post deserved more attention and so he said it was underrated.
>muh loneliness
Muh Sexy Fuckin design. Would pay 60 twice for
>mfw spideyposting is still alive
>muh purpose
This is criminally underrated.
>Muh raptor warfare
I wonder if they extended that dialogue to make flow a little better would it come of more natural.
They words felt too abrupt for me, maybe if superman was begging or pleading before saying his mother's name it would be more palatable.
Like the calvin and ben did a great job with the acting but the dialogue feel like it need a bit more.
Well that my experience from watching BvS UC
I quite enjoyed it despite some of those issues.
>muh *balls