For a Few Dollars More > A Fistful of Dollars > The Good the Bad & Ugly
For a Few Dollars More > A Fistful of Dollars > The Good the Bad & Ugly
i like for a few dollars more the most too
GBU would be 1st if it wasn't three goddamn hours long
GB&U is the best of the three. Any variation that doesn't have it first is simply contrarian and hispter-douche tier rhetoric.
GBU is perfect, all the 3 hours are actually worth and make sense, but still, people get tired of the same for 3 hours.
i think the good, the bad and the ugly is the best film in terms of cinematography...but, for a few dollars more is a very, very close second to me. it's certainly my favorite in terms of characters, particularly, that played by Van Cleese. i loved how Monco is made out to be a brash, relatively inexperienced hunter, and Mortimer is the wise, seasoned one who schools him. also, Mortimer's motives were more pure. he wasn't just out for the payday. he was the true hero of that film.
Loved Tuco too much to not give GBU top honors but Lee Van Cleef was pretty baller in Few
at the end of For a Few Dollars More, blondie is LITERALLY rich.
what happened with the money?
in GBU i can see he bought some new fancy clothes... but he was fucking rich, what happened with the rest of the money?
he spent it all on anime blu rays and bit coins.
He put it in a low-risk investment account to accumulate interest.
I watched FFDM and AFD for the first time last month, I loved them both. Should've watched them sooner
I have a question about FFDM though. Indio sets his men up so they'll get killed by Manco and Mortimer shortly after the two escape in the night, then we see them both loading their guns in broad daylight in the same town and Indio's men seemingly come back from somewhere else. Did I miss something or are we just supposed to not know what happened in-between?
>never watched any movie from the trilogy
>watch GBU
>years pass
>watch Fistful of Dollars and For a Few Dollars More
>rewatch GBU
>feel bad for Van Cleef's character when he dies
>Did I miss something or are we just supposed to not know what happened in-between?
are you trolling? you are.
>The Good the Bad & Ugly
best movie ever made
completely devoid of jews
I still haven't seen GBU but yeah Few Dollars More was definitely better than the first.
Is The Wild Bunch worth watching? What's some other required Westerns?
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly > For a Few Dollars More > A Fistful of Dollars
I agree with this. You have good taste, my man
I actually am not
some shit happened in between that wasn't necessary to drive the plot forward. no one has time for 20 hour films.
Your opinion is wrong. This is the real indisputable order:
The Good the Bad & the Ugly > For a Few Dollars More > A Fistful of Dollars
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly is supposed to be a prequel or something. Still doesn't explain why Angel Eyes is a completely different character in the second one though.
For a Few Dollars more is objectively better. TGTBTU and the generic normie go to for their favorite western
>Ever watching any other movies that aren't capeshit or stupid comedy shit
because they're different characters played by the same actors.
I saw the good the bad and the ugly and I was actually surprised at how slow paced and methodical and long it was. While youre RIGHT, it is the most famous and I actually HAVE known normies in my past who claimed to see it and think it "badass" but that doesn't automatically make it any less of a picture. It's very good, and what it did it did very well, and if you try to detract from its excellence and it's influence (not saying it's the god of all films or better than the others) just because people have heard of it, you're a douche bag.
i don't know how to feel 2bh
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly = For a Few Dollars More = A Fistful of Dollars
>The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
A perfect film... maybe except for 3 FUCKING HOURS LONG for some people, but along Once Upon a Time in the West and Once Upon a Time in the America, the best Leone films
>For a Few Dollars More
Great story, great characters, it have some troubled pacing, but the ending is so great and have so awesome lines that you can forgive small issues
>A Fistful of Dollars
Yojimbo rip-off. The worst of the bunch
Well that's no fun, I thought Sup Forums was for triggering artists by asserting arbitrary tiers onto things
I dunno. Tbh even tho I know it's a complete yojimbo rip, I would rather watch it than the original like any day
it's not a really a trilogy, in the sense as we know of them today. i know it can be a little off putting, or confusing. those three films feature archetypes, mostly played by the same actors, but they aren't the same characters.
GBU should have been a sequel to For a Few Dollars More
it would give more depth to Van Cleef's character, and make his dead way more tragic.
there are other things to fix
shit. meant to reply to. probably going to kill myself now.
It's called an anthology trilogy
>For a Few Dollars More
One of my favorite movies to be honest. Greatly underrated.
Saw gbu last night for first time, it's wonderful. Getting fdm now
It's not underrated you stupid cunt
We all know that For a Few Dollars More ≥ The Good, the Bad & the Ugly > A Fistful of Dollars, but what about this gem?
fuck, forgot picture.
>western thread
>no one ever mentions The Great Silence
>Klaus Kinski
I'll have to watch this one
just saw that for the first time last year. it's excellent. it's on par with For a Few Dollars More and Bad Fugly.
It's great, but Django is better.
just when i thought you might be alright, you prove me wrong.
>that limp wrist
what a fag
Van Cleef doesn't play the same character in both films, stupid