That scene where the baby carrot got fucked by the Sprite bottle so good she squirted carrot juice on Franks mouth and...

>that scene where the baby carrot got fucked by the Sprite bottle so good she squirted carrot juice on Franks mouth and the Sprite bottle came in her and his sodasperm fizzed out like mentos in a cola

Rogan was pretty tame this time around

Other urls found in this thread:


do people unironically like this ?

>Sup Forums
fuck off

anyone got scrrencaps?

one autistic spammer seems to

Haven't seen it but can someone explain how a movie about talking food can be anti-religious?

>Edward Norton as a Jewish bagel
>the grits are black
>the fruits are gay
>that orgy at the end

So fucking funny

Edward Norton is in this? Might give it a shot now.

Seth rogan is just awful. Maybe even more awful than joe rogan.

A jew and a paki have gay sex

It is the most un-"PC" movie given wide release in a long time.

Too bad the writing is SHIT and all the gags fall flat.

It's a commentary on how religions are formed and how the food realizing their actual fate is an allegory for scientific discovery

I love how pol actually thinks movies have somehow been authoritarianly "PC", when we have had movies about war, genocide, murder, rape and apocalyptic destruction of our entire planet. Team America is close to a fucking decade ago. There are at least 100 plus disaster porn movies

Where exactly is this autistic "all movies are PC" meme referring to? Has nobody watched a fucking Taranatino before? And to add on to this, you can literally just make any movie you fucking want.

We have a movie about a talking hotdog and an orgy of food items

Jesus fuck the lot of you are retarded

Nahhhh bro, that's you.



Why are leftists allowed on this board?

Want to refute anything that was actually said, faggot? Or you just gonna post "dur leftist" meme? Gee, its not like we've heard that one before...

Danny McBride too.

Lol, fag

wew, you sure showed me.

Leftist cuck.

Your basic premise is flawed though. Movies about war... for whose agenda? When's the last movie that took a sympathetic look at the Germans in WW2? And all these apocalyptic disaster porn movies usually fall back to liberal alarmists over climate change.

I mean, the very fact that you think Quentin "BIG BLACK DINGUS" Cuckatino is representative of Sup Forums tells us just how retarded and far gone your warped view of reality is.

the entire movie was about how religion is fake racial stereotypes and gay sex. It's not exactally a "pol" movie but it was supposed to approach things that were "taboo" to be funny.

it wasnt funny at all tho lmao just kinda interesting

I found a place to post gifs. I'm sure they'd appreciate it.

lose your election harder

the food thinks that people pick them off of shelves to take them to heaven. It's extremely blunt and ham-fisted and stupid.

>Movies about war... for whose agenda?

That's not the point, "PC" would be "hippie dippie, war is bad, let's all hold hands" or something "politically correct", right? Like a film that takes no chances. If you believe this meme, you are absolutely retarded to what sort of films are popular in the US

>When's the last movie that took a sympathetic look at the Germans in WW2?

There are literally dozens of films that are sympathetic to Axis powers being the protagonists of the films. There are countless period pieces set in Berlin during the war, movies about Nazi commanders, movies about attempts on Hitler's life, movies ABOUT Hitler, movies about the Japanese involvement. For fuck's sake, your conservative golden oldboy Clint made a double feature...with the second half being ALL about the Japanese POV. How fucking autistic are you?

>And all these apocalyptic disaster porn movies usually fall back to liberal alarmists over climate change.

Nice boogeyman, I totally took a "climate change message" out of Independence Day 2...I'm sure the new King Kong film is gonna be about transsexuals fighting melting polar ice caps you delusional faggot.

>the very fact that you think Quentin "BIG BLACK DINGUS" Cuckatino is representative of Sup Forums tells us just how retarded and far gone your warped view of reality is.

I never said that he represented your degenerate board, but it's hard to call a director a "cuck" when his films drop the "nigger" bomb more times than a period piece about slavery. The fact that you would even argue that his films are even remotely PC shows me you haven't seen more than a half of one of his films.

>how retarded and far gone your warped view of reality is.

which is what, exactly? That I don't just create boogeyman problems and try to fit my retardovision into every goddamn thing just so I can feel validated in my autistic views?

Sup Forums rages about a talking motherfucking hotdog, and you think I'm warped...


Celebrating modern degeneracy, gay sex, drugs, anti-religion is all about as far from a Sup Forums movie as you could get.


>We have a movie about a talking hotdog and an orgy of food items
but you won't have a movie where the protagonist kills a muslim and feels good about it with no lingering guilt or instant comeuppance

Go back to your board, where you think your arguments make even remotely any sense


I feel like I'm living in a weird fusion of 1984 and Brave New World. It's like the worst elements from both works have been melded together to create the current reality.

>When's the last movie that took a sympathetic look at the Germans in WW2?

>"PC" would be "hippie dippie, war is bad, let's all hold hands" or something "politically correct", right?
Not at all. PC is pushing the accepted agenda. Nazis bad, Jews good. That it's a war movie is immaterial as long as it makes sure to glorify and demonize the right people.

>There are countless period pieces set in Berlin during the war, movies about Nazi commanders, movies about attempts on Hitler's life, movies ABOUT Hitler, movies about the Japanese involvement.
I guess you missed the keyword of "sympathetic" while you were typing that bullshit out. Sympathy to the Japanese is PC. People today whitewash their warcrimes and demonize America for the internment camps. The fact that there are movies about assassination attempts on Hitler, or Germans rebelling against the National Socialist regime does not make them sympathetic movies. How fucking stupid are you that that needs to be explained. A movie with Nazis in it doesn't become anti-PC because they're in it, especially when they're the villains.

>Independence Day 2 is disaster porn XDDD
Learn the meaning of terms before you use them. Independence Day is not disaster porn. The Day After Tomorrow is. The Thing is also not disaster porn. 2012 is. What the fuck are you even doing on Sup Forums?

>it's hard to call a director a "cuck" when his films drop the "nigger" bomb more times than a period piece about slavery.
Him saying nigger doesn't change the fact that he writes historical fiction about black slaves gunning down white slave owners, or nigger murderers raping white confederate soldiers. I can see you've gone off the deep end.

>which is what, exactly?
Everything already explained.

>Sup Forums rages about a talking motherfucking hotdog, and you think I'm warped...

Reddit masturbates to a talking motherfucking hotdog, and yeah, you're pretty warped.


>a-ah, b-but, what about Muslims? GOTCHA LEFTIES!

Team America was a film that came out almost, what? A decade ago? They murder a shit ton of Muslims.

Radical Muslims have been the antagonists of nearly every modern Iraq War film or any modern military film set in the Middle East.

Radical Muslims take over the White House in White House Down

Radical Muslims take over DC or whatever in the White House Down copycat (I'm not sure which came first exactly0

Is your problem that we aren't portraying regular Muslims are vile and evil, mustache twirling villains?

But your MAIN point was:
>you won't have a movie where the protagonist kills a muslim and feels good about it with no lingering guilt or instant comeuppance

Is this something you specifically WANT in a movie? You want people to be portrayed as cardboard cutouts or cartoonish "bad guys?" Fuck yourself

Go back to your website, where opposing views are properly hidden to protect your fee-fees.

Not only is Edward Norton in this but he says cunt twice, it's honestly worth it just for that

lol this samefag here

Redditors, why do they even try?


my point wasn't literally about the characters being retarded cartoonish bad guys, it was that your idea of "PC" is not what PC actually is

non-PC doesn't mean lmaoviolence and satirical racist jokes you fucking troglodyte
it means capitalist hollywood will never add anything to a movie (that they can maintain control over) that has any content that the majority of audience members will find offensive or objectionable

violent movies have a market, war movies have a market, satirical comedy violent war movies have a market, but a movie that would cause significant controversy about racism, sexism, anti-semitism, or radical rightist ideas with a positive connotation will NEVER be made in a hollywood movie anymore if the producers can find a way to stifle it

That a decade and a half South Park comedy movie is your go-to shows how desperate you are. The fact that you don't remember the main antagonist of White House Down was a white guy portrayed by Jason Clarke leading other white guys trying to bomb the Middle East before being heroically stopped by the black president is even fucking worse.

And you couldn't even name a third movie.

What. A. Cuck.

>Not at all. PC is pushing the accepted agenda. Nazis bad, Jews good.

I'm sorry you have a problem with this.

>That it's a war movie is immaterial as long as it makes sure to glorify and demonize the right people.

Yeah, better not demonize the people who exterminated a few million're right, Sup Forums, why can't they be the heroes? What PC bullshit!

>Sympathy to the Japanese is PC

LOL, OH..right. I forget that you just get to decide what is or isn't PC to fit your autism. An entire movie with sympathetic Japanese protagonists must be PC...I'm convinced you've watched maybe three movies in total.

>A movie with Nazis in it doesn't become anti-PC because they're in it, especially when they're the villains.

missing the point. I'm saying there ARE movies with sympathetic German characters who are Nazis. People just don't like them. Can't imagine why though...

>Independence Day is not disaster porn.

You're a fucking moron that doesn't deserve to be on this board in the slightest. Half the film is cities being destroyed. Just like the first one. It's an action, soft sci fi disaster porn film.

>Him saying nigger doesn't change the fact that he writes historical fiction about black slaves gunning down white slave owners, or nigger murderers raping white confederate soldiers.

I'm sorry this triggers you so much but again, Do you think Tarantino has done only ONE movie, Sup Forums? And even if Django was the only one you have apparently seen, do you think that type of story is common? I'm sorry that it triggers you that his protagonist in Django wasn't white. Golly gee, why wasn't that movie in the perspective of the slave owners? What a cuck!

>Reddit masturbates to a talking motherfucking hotdog, and yeah, you're pretty warped.

>le reddit meme when I have no actual argument

Go fuck yourself in the cunt with your hardcopy of Mein Kampf you dumb degenerate Nazi sympathizing general of all autists.

>but a movie that would cause significant controversy about racism, sexism, anti-semitism, or radical rightist ideas with a positive connotation will NEVER be made in a hollywood movie anymore if the producers can find a way to stifle it

Are you 12 and not familiar with American cinema in the slightest? Sup Forums, please leave.

>Radical Muslims take over the White House in White House Down
>Radical Muslims take over DC or whatever in the White House Down copycat (I'm not sure which came first exactly0


That's not the plot at all. The bad guys were white government officials rebelling against the US. They were trying to kill Muslims.

Good, that future is hilarious

name a hollywood film in the last five years that featured a protagonist who was ANYWHERE right of center politically, didn't become leftist over the course of the movie, was portrayed in a positive (or at least sympathetic) light, and did something that was racist/sexist/homophobic that was prominently featured in the film.

you fucking cuck

This. And the other movie was Olympus has Fallen, and the villain in that one was North Koreans.

>it means capitalist hollywood will never add anything to a movie (that they can maintain control over) that has any content that the majority of audience members will find offensive or objectionable

you faggots always have this amorphous blob of what "PC" means and get to just change the rules no matter what so that everything is PC to you.

The problem isn't that I don't know what your specific definition of PC is, it's that I don't agree with you at ALL that American cinema (as the most significant example) is even close to your PC boogeyman.

You just sperg out about all films being PC because they literally HAVE to be to validate your retarded argument.

>What are timestamps?

>Why do movies trying to make money and appeal to the largest possible audience reflect the majority opinion of their subject matter?
>It surely must be some massive coordinated conspiracy to discredit my insane, irrelevant ideology!

there are two kinds of hollywood movies now:

A: The film has PC themes
B: The film has no political undertones whatsoever

>name a hollywood film in the last five years that featured a protagonist who was ANYWHERE right of center politically

Do you really think there aren't any..? Why are you on Sup Forums?

>Wolf of Wallstreet has a patrician rich capitalist that objectifies women and treats people like shit all in the name of success

What a fucking retard you are

good example actually, but the argument could be made that he's an anti-hero and he's there to laugh at rather than to glorify

>literally thousands of films are made a year
>I only actually have seen ten in my life so I think all films are either PC (the ones I don't like) or have no political undertones, because if they do, my argument falls apart

I hope /po/ dies a fiery death

yeah fuck origami

You guys want to hear a funny joke?

Haha, its Penis and Weed


Then you are changing the rules just to make your argument work.

Just because you don't know about film and aren't that educated on anything you are talking about, even on a Sup Forums fucking board, doesn't mean they don't exist.

It means you refuse to actually give a shit about the validity of your "arguments" so you ignore how fucking stupid your points actually are when you don't switch the goal posts every three minutes between "muh liberal scapegoat" shitposting.

if he's an antihero meant to be laughed at then the film is practically on the same level as team america world police, or fucking pain and gain

i'm trying to debate with you about this but you're just whining like a fucking kid and telling me that i don't watch movies


>I'm sorry you have a problem with this.
No, it's no trouble educating you. You'll get there, just try to be a little less fucking dense in the future.

>Yeah, better not demonize the people who exterminated a few million're right, Sup Forums, why can't they be the heroes?
Ah, good to see you're moving the goalposts. But at least you acknowledge it's PC. Of course, you'll come back with more bullshit trying to confound the original point and deflect, but it's still progress.

>LOL, OH..right. I forget that you just get to decide what is or isn't PC to fit your autism.
I think it's really sad that you've gone so far left that you don't know that being pro-Japanese is PC. The worst part is you're probably on message boards demonizing America for dropping the bombs and talking about the evils of our internment camps between tabbing over to look at your faggoty anime too.

>I'm saying there ARE movies with sympathetic German characters who are Nazis.
I've got a hundred bucks that the only example in your head was the Captain in Inglorious Basterds, and now you're about to google furiously to find more. Of course, you'll be whitewashing the rest of the movie. Them torturing Nazis, the Hitler revenge kill scenes, etc etc.

>It's an action, soft sci fi disaster porn film.
A disaster film is a film genre that has an impending or ongoing disaster as its subject and primary plot device. Such disasters include natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or asteroid collisions, accidents such as shipwrecks or airplane crashes, or calamities like worldwide disease pandemics.

Alien invasions are science fiction.

>Do you think Tarantino has done only ONE movie, Sup Forums?
Okay, you tell me which movie you think doesn't fit? Is it Jackie Brown about a proud independent black woman who don't need no man, while Sammy Jackson fucks a white woman? How about Death Proof when that tough and sassy group of girls kick to death evil patriarchy Kurt Russell?

>telling me that i don't watch movies

You think that there is some masterminded PC agenda that goes out of its way to make sure there is no controversial story or protagonist.
Next you going to go through the motions and meme post about how everyone in Hollywood is Jewish, right? Because of the conspiracies to make us all cucks or something? Right? Gotta do it for Jamal's black cock.

Not to be picky but olympus has fallen, besides being 10x better than white house down, was about north koreans


he said Hollywood dipshit

>A disaster film is a film genre that has an impending or ongoing disaster

The disaster was an alien invasion. The film is barely sci fi

Cry more, stormfag

What's the point even continuing? With you Sup Forumsfags, everything is a losing battle with who you are talking to. You get to change the rules until people who talk to you get exhausted, conflating everything all the way until people get fucking sick of you then we leave and you praise yourselves as if you "won" something. When it was just people getting tired of your autism.

So, I'm out.

>Positive opinion of TDKR but hating FOR YOU

Is this even possible?

It's funny how you managed to mention Tarantino's least liked movies while portraying them as bastions of his career.

Face it Sup Forums, you're pretty much the same as SJWs, people obsessively creating a narrative for a world that doesn't care because you faggots weren't ready for the destruction of methaphysics and grand projects.

>Wolf of Wall Street is the protagonist

Did you even see the fucking movie? Leo's character was the villain. The one who left his loving wife, who scammed people out of their retirement money, who cheated on his new wife and ultimately got his comeuppance in the end. The hero was the FBI agent who was broke but refused a bribe and brought him to jail.

can Sup Forums leave? Their tard levels are showing

still no camrip?

>muh Team America

If that came out today, they would have gotten lynched.

it's a juvenile movie, but atheism is still the best way to go

>Leo's character was the villain

-main protagonist and POV was Leo
-narrative is about Leo's rags to riches story
.movie glorifies and highlights his life and success, only facing the consequences at the end for his decisions.
-faces his consequences, but still manages some level of success, movie ends with no clear message

So, no.

>The disaster was an alien invasion. The film is barely sci fi
Is this the stupidest thing said all thread? All political shit aside, "the alien invasion is barely sci fi" has to be it.

>If that came out today, they would have gotten lynched.

talking hotdogs and orgies with food...

I left my tin foil hat at home, so no. I don't believe that.

I'm convinced you don't know what "science fiction" means. Dictionaries are available.

Do you also think that Star Wars is science fiction too, son? Do you have school in the morning?

>user, it got aliens in it, it sci fi, that's all it needs

What is "soft sci fi"?

literally fuck yourself and get out

>Comedy Central wouldn't have a "package" delivered to their offices for offending the religion of peace

lmao ok kid

>main characters can't be villains

Hello! Welcome to Sup Forums! You seem to be new here and are unfamiliar with movies and television programs featuring villains as the main character. Here are some well-liked examples you might want to view next!

Breaking Bad
A Clockwork Orange
Taxi Driver
There Will Be Blood

There are plenty of other titles to choose from as well! Now enjoy your new journey discovering the art of using villains as the subject of the movie/show!

don't call me "kid", faggot.

Did Comedy Central get a "package" when the film came out? OHH, but it was different THEN right? The Middle East was vastly different when that film came out...

Nope, you're pretty fucking stupid for not knowing Independence Day was a Disaster flick. With your logic horror movies can only have ghosts, vampires, etc.

was meant for

Still forgetting the Mohammad incident my dear child?


american education everybody.

>Science Fiction (noun): fiction based on imagined future scientific or technological advances and major social or environmental changes, frequently portraying space or time travel and life on other planets.

Yes, as much as it triggers you, Star Wars is science fiction too.

>b-b-but muh space wizards and fire swords

Still science fiction, cuckbro. Just like Independence Day.

Oh right, who died?

None of that describes Independence Day. Good on you for cucking yourself

>Star Wars is science fiction too. I unironically believe this. I'm def not a retard.
>I don't understand what "science fantasy" is.
>I don't understand the nuances between "soft science fiction" and "hard science fiction"
>I don't understand what mixed genres are.

Please, seriously leave this board. These are things you understand at an 8th grade comprehensions level

>aliens from outer space is not space travel
>the movie itself lists itself as science fiction and not a disaster film

Literally kill yourself.

Freedom of expression. Something you're obviously too young to understand.

Sorry we don't go to prison for getting the names of towel heads wrong, Eurofriend

american sniper you fucking dong!

really makes you think

>soft science fiction isn't science fiction

Shouldn't an adult be handling you right now? Who let you on the internet unattended?

>I still don't understand that "science fiction" is a broad umbrella term for things like "science fantasy" or "soft science fiction".
>Look at this Wikipedia for ID4! Gotcha lefties! HA

>extremely blunt and ham-fisted and stupid

How many of these nigga's movies aren't?