Craptain's Log: Stardate Sixx

Craptain's Log: Stardate Sixx

The crew grow weary, sucked dry of their resolve. Many have long since lost their sides to the creamy brown of outer space. However, we must push on: there are logs of shit yet to be sucked, YLYL threads yet to be ruined.

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This meme really needs to grow worldwide #andysixxshitlog

no, it doesn't, go fuck yourself

>stardate sixx



First time this shit has given me a chuckle instead of just groaning at how fucking pleb tier autist it is most of the time.

Log these dubs

"C-captain! I've never seen anything like this before in my life! The''s going back up his bunghole! He's at maximum reverse thrust! My god he's...he's unshitting my insides up inside him captain! I...I can't...keep...talking...captain... you...captain..."
- Unnamed Redshirt

You people are insane