We both know I need to delete this thread now. You'll just have to imagine the baneposting!
big guy
Imagine being Aidan Gillen in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Tom Hardy, you fuckin' big, all strong with your muscular body and horrific masked man face. I would totally interrogate you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is call it in in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Aidan and not only sit on that plane while Tom Hardy flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing his flabby gut and fat arms, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that "for you." Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking physique but his haughty attitude as everyone on set tells him he's STILL BRONSON and DAMN, TOM HARDY LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his manlet fucking britbong face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know you could see behind that mask. You've been playing nothing but illustrious TV roles in The Wire and Game of Thrones for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Ireland. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his dimpled stomach as he sucks it in to writhe it menacingly at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his "statuesque (for that is what he calls himself)" bigness, the gains he worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Aidan. You're not going to lose your future Quantum Break career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
found this in the syria general on Sup Forums
Has Baneposting defied reality? Is it here to stay forever?
I would assume that the fire steadily grows larger, brother.
That's a big missile
What did Lucasfilm mean by this?
ITT Reddit
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Tell me mods… do you feel in charge?
Do you?
I bet you do. I bet you feel a sense of satisfaction as you delete a thread involving baneposting. I bet you feel a sensational form of gratification as you delete the thread with your greasy cheeto dusted fingers. I bet you get a little tingle in your tiny member as you delete this thread, your double chin quivering as you chuckle at the mild irritation that us baneposters have at your interference.
But the fire rises, mods. Baneposting will never die. For too long we've had hotheads derail threads, autistic crossposters who bring their identity politics to the table in an effort to impress everyone. But Baneposting is the glue that keeps this board together. It's the meme that reminds us of an age where we could have fun and have a good laugh at CIA and his flight plan antics.
But what do you do? You delete these threads, in favour of race-baiting threads which brings in stormfags from Sup Forums and SJWs from reddit. You turn this board to shit with your modding, your pettiness at a meme. You would allow Sup Forumsfags to derail threads blaming blacks and jews for their shortcomings, but delete a thread about Flight Plans? You would allow Redditfags to whine about white washing and praise black casting, but deny us from grabbing our prize?
You fucking mods make me sick. You're fucking scum. You're a pack of fucking hotheads who won't allow us to bond over a meme, and with your pettiness you are making this board eat itself from the inside out. Kill yourself. End it. We'll banepost until we're fucking dead. We've started the fire. And we'll crash this board with no survivors.
user pls
>CIA is bored and calls you to talk about...stuff. what do you talk about Sup Forums?
For you
That's a big post
4 years for a meme is like 50 years irl
For you
3 dubs in a row!
What was in the briefcase?
Holy shit
The flight plan I just filed with Theagencie only lists Smee, Maimen, Dr. Pavelere, but only Wanaf Yew.
you guys know I don't post here anymore, right? this is my first day back in a while and I'll probably leave in a couple min. welp, have fun shitposting while the jews ransack the place.
No no the rest of the sentence is the name of the agency
"The flight plan I just filed with the agency, Listsmeemaimendoktorpavelheerbuttonleewanovyuferstwantutahk, gets to stay on my aircraft."
He's referring to the physical copy of the flight plan which he intends to keep no the plane for proper processing once they reach their destination
>Lot of loyalty for a hired gun
Why does he start talking to his gun? Is this supposed to be commentary on the issue of gun control?
what show is this from?
For you
The Wire
It has not only defied reality, but reshaped it.
Remember the flight 4u les banes incident?
Nice to see that this meme is still producing hilarious original content.
this is beautiful
>tfw no ella hughes gf
What The Fuck am I looking at?
It's too bad he doesn't have a veiny cock.
She coulda been like THAT'S A BIG VEIN
then he starts face fucking and says FOR YOU
Aiden feels my erection throbing against his leg "You're a big guy" he whispers longingly into my ear. "And it's all For You" I reply. N deen wii fuk
Dr. Pavel, I'm MIA
Ella Hughes is so fucking hot but she only does the most bland, vanilla shit
And I guess meme porno but if anyone actually jacks it to meme porno I'll kill myself
A gay guy about you get his dick sucked by a female.
preety fucking hot desu, continue pls
Better get a gun bc I got some bad news 4u senpai.
Where did he go?
The Aegean Sea
I've been so desensitized to porn that i've gone 360 degrees and can only get off to vanilla stuff now
PassionHD is my jam now wierd huh?
It doesn't matter where he went, what matters is his plan.
went back to his loverboy, charlie hunnam
Will CIA ever get his happy ending?
for you and all of us!
I've gone back to jacking off to big tits bimbos just so I can be sure I'm not all the way gay yet.
He did though.
yes ^_^
Does anyone have better body language than CIA?
I have big plans
For you
It was Smee, Dr. Pavel, it was Smee all along
4 U
All I want is Aidan.
say no more.
>For you
You're a big guy
For you
Post your rares
Fuckers in Uzbekistan telling me, always in the Caucasus CIA ain’t bout this, CIA ain’t bout that My boy a agent on fucking Maimen and them He, he they say that nigga don’t be putting in no flight plansSHUTTHEFUCKUP! Y’all niggas ain’t know shit All ya motherfuckers talk about CIA ain’t no hitta CIA ain’t this CIA a small guy SHUTTHEFUCKUP Y’all don’t live with that nigga Y’all know that nigga got caught with a ratchet Shootin’ mercenaries before throwin' em off planes and shit Nigga been on probation since fuckin, I don’t know when! Motherfuckers stop fuckin’ playin’ him like that Them niggas savages out there If I catch another hothead talking sweet about CIA I’m fucking beating they ass! I’m not fucking playing no more You know those niggas role with Smee and them.
>Road roller to crush any survivors
Was DIO a big guy?