Can we all agree that Emma Roberts is worst Emma, in terms of not only talent, but looks as well?

Can we all agree that Emma Roberts is worst Emma, in terms of not only talent, but looks as well?

I mean, Emma Stone is an academy award nominee, and Emma Watson has spoken in front of the United Nations, what the fuck has this Emma done besides be related to Julia Roberts?

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get a load of this nigga

le repost from yesterday face

What is it like to have sex with a skinny girl? I sometimes think about having sex with Emma Roberts and seeing her big beautiful smile looking up at me but I have no idea what her body would feel like

Stone > Roberts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Watson

why is she so perfect bros?


it's great. it's like have sex with long haired teenaged boys, wearing makeup.

>Can we all agree


jesus this movie was shit. an ok concept but the soundtrack, """hacking""" parts, and the entire ending were pretty much terrible

good thing the main actors were fairly good looking but that's it