Calling all Amerifats

Calling all Amerifats,

Why are you cunts so proud of your "Perfect Nation" where racism, obesity and cuck Presidents run amok?

How does it feel having Trump praise our health system, yet doesn't improve yours?


Not proud, nation not perfect, president sucks. The end.

Whats so wrong with racism? Everyone in my trailer park loves going to the klan meetings.



And don't you forget it yuropoor

We're not perfect, but we are better than you at least. I couldn't care less about racism, there will always be ignorant idiots in every nation. Ours is fairly under control despite what the race-baiting media will tell you. Healthcare can use some work, but I also don't pay 50-60% of my salary in taxes like the countries that do have universal healthcare. Likewise, I don't get how the president is a cuck, he's been a good deal better than Hillary would have been and is at least on par with Obama. Nobody claimed it is a perfect nation except you. You got a point with the obesity though, I can't argue that one.



muh freedom