RLM Thread: Milwaukee Riots edition

RLM Thread: Milwaukee Riots edition.

Seriously I really hope Mike and Jay are ok, and the RLM studio is intact.

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>"Third Reich Mike" Stoklasa is the well known leader of the Milwaukee Mulatto Murderers. They roam the streets at night, holding down innocent immigrants while Mike administers goofballs to their unsuspecting anii. Few survive.

>He also has dealings with the Wisconsin White Brotherhood, run by one Jay Bauman, they operate a drug trafficking ring heading by Rich Evans who breaks into rival gangs' warehouses at night and burns them down due to his poor fire safety record.

>Michael "Mike" Stoklasa, also known as "Third Reich" Mike[1], Mike "The Nigger Grave Digger" Stoklasa[2], and Mike "the Milwaukee Mulatto Murderer" Stoklasa[3], is a prolific member of the Wisconsin cinephile and white supremacist communities. He is best known for his Plinkett Reviews, in which he humourously reviews films such as Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace[4] and Triumph of the Will[5].

>Though never convicted of any crime, the Milwaukee Police Department considers Stoklasa to be connected to the Walnut Street Lynchings of 1998-99.[26] Stoklasa has vehemently denied his involvement in the crimes. "No, I was absolutely not involved in that... tragedy. I find it disgusting that you would accuse me of such a thing merely because of my political and social values. If my testimony is not enough, my business partners Jay Bauman and Dolf Herrman can vouch for me. I offer my condolences to the families of the victim,"[27] Stoklasa said in court when questioned about the lynchings by prosecutor William Carpenter. After Stoklasa was found innocent, Carpenter told reporters afterwards that Stoklasa had a hint of a smile when he said "tragedy"[28] and that Herrman was hardly a trustworthy individual, having served time in prison for racially charged assaults and vandalism.[29]

Aren't they actually pretty far from Milwaukee proper? I'm sure they'll be fine.

>Third Reich Mike
>hitler dubs

>RedLetterMedia's Mike Stoklasa, known in the local Milwaukee community as "Third Reich Mike", beat an elderly black woman and a middle aged Jewish man to the brink of death in January 2013. Witnesses say Stoklasa was fine when he hoped on the bus with fellow RedLetterMedia employee Jay Bauman, casually chatting, until Gloria Kent, 68, hoped on the bus a few stops later. Stoklasa started to get very irate, moving in his seat and uttering racial slurs under his breath until Kent heard him, in which she started mouthing off to him, calling him a "cracker".

>Jay Bauman tried to stop his friend, but to no avail, only seemingly fueling Stoklasa's rage Barry Goldstein, the bus driver pulled the bus over and tried to stop Stoklasa. Stoklasa, noting Goldsteins name badge, started attacking him as well, only yelling the word "JEWS!" After 10 terrifying minutes, Stoklasa stopped to view the carnage he had unleashed. Witnesses say he smiled contently at the victims. As police approached the scene, Mike opened the bus door and took off. Stoklasa was arrested later that day at his house, where police found a multitude of Nazi paraphernalia.

>In September 2013, Mike stood before the Milwaukee courts and plead Not Guilty, to the shock of both the jury and judge. When asked if he remembered what had happened, he said "nothing happened" and that he was wrongfully arrested. After being shown photo's of two of the victims, Stoklasa was visibly shaken, saying he would never do commit such heinous acts. George Barlow, Mikes lawyer stated that the people of Milwaukee were jealous of Mike and his fame, saying they wished to see him thrown out of the town. After a short break to let to Jury decide the verdict, Mike was found Not Guilty, after numerous witnesses withdrew their testimony.

>As he left the court, witnesses said Mike had a sinister grin on his face, upon seeing his victims, whom of which were outside the court, he started laughing, entered his vehicle and drove off.

The riots are happening a very small part of the Milwakee ghetto. It's nothing really

>Mike Stoklasa is a vile racist who plots lynchings and attempting to convert the youth to his peculiar brand of far-right politics by posting misleading articles online. His opposition to Avatar is based on his personal contempt for Native Americans and his denial of the genocide against them.

>Stoklasa is wanted in relation to a string of lynching's that have occurred this past week. Authorities say the victims were of the Mexican, Asian and African American ethnicity, they would also like to point out that a number of white victims were of the Jewish religion.

>Police Chief John Richardson; "We are shocked by the recent crimes committed in our lovely city, we appeal to anyone and everyone with any information regarding to "Third Reich" Mikes location to come forward.

>Richardson went on to say they have caught Stoklasa's accomplices Jay Bauman and Rich Evans, whom were found at Richs grandmother's house, attempting to burn the place down to destroy evidence.

>Though never convicted of any crimes, Milwaukee police have connected Stoklasa to past race related crimes, including lynching's, beatings and burning of the Albert Street Mosque on the 23rd.

>"I am absolutely disgusted at the allegations brought against me, and will be seeking legal action from my lawyer George Barlow, whom has helped me in the past" said Stoklasa in retaliatory press release

you really think those white bread crackers live anywhere near the ghetto?


I found out today that Milwaukee is majority black wtf.

I thought Wisconsin was like the whitest state on Earth.

And what's his name fat bald sjw guy who is occasionally tolerated on RLM and I can't remember his name is upset about racists on Twitter because that's the real issue here



I've seen this several times before and have heard theories, but could never 100% verify anything

Please confirm

>execute order dubs

Never gets old
Based Mike

Mike "Empty My Nine On The Welfare Line" Stoklasa

Mike "Goin' Mental on the Oriental" Stoklasa

Mike "Aboriginal War Criminal" Stoklasa

Mike "Aryan: Resurrection" Stoklasa

Mike "Roma in a Coma" Stoklasa

Mike "Women Lack Spatial Reasoning" Stoklasa

Mike "The Jews Run Hollywood" Stoklasa

Mike "Why Should They be Allowed to Vote" Stoklasa

Mike "Take a look at the Bell Curve" Stoklasa

Mike "They are Ruining Civilized Society" Stoklasa

Mike "I dare you to try me, hymie" Stoklasa

Mike "Kick a spic in the dick" Stoklasa

Mike "What are you, high? The holocaust was a lie!" Stoklasa

Mike "I-Raped-And-Murdered-A-Jewish-Woman-On-January-23rd-1999" Stoklasa

Mike "ReichsLuftfahrtMinisterium" Stoklasa

Mike "Senegal Wrecking Ball" Stoklasa

Mike "It's Mein Partei and I'll Heil If I Want To" Stoklasa

Mike "Girth of a Nation" Stoklasa

Mike "Ran Over An SJW In MY BMW" Stoklasa

>those arms having anything to do with Mike

you niggers believe any retarded shit you read

Mike "The Kike Striker" Stoklasa cannot be killed with conventional weaponry.

"Escape from Milwaukee" starring Jay Bauman and Mike "Third Reich" Stoklasa. When?

The riots are just happening in the part of town where black people live, because chimps love to shit in their own bed, just like Sup Forums

It's a meme you dip

There was a fan art about that.

Could a manlet be a convincing Snake Plissken?

does stormfront not have a fanfic section or something?

Mike "These Goys Are Terrific" Stoklasa

Rich said in a twitch stream it's happening about 15 minutes away

Beardfat's already prepping his anus for some bulls.

kys yid

Godspeed you mike emperor

I know this feeling, not only that but it has Memphis teir segregation with the whites all abandoning ship on the city itself.

I didn't know it was like that up north too. I thought they were supposed to have Germans and Polaks living in slightly shitty but cohesive and culturally distinct cities. The fact that it looks exactly like Little Rock, Pine Bluff, Or Memphis actually saddens me somewhat. Niggers ruin everything.

Mike "Kill Mufasa, the Nigger from Mumbasa" Stoklasa will be found dead, his shotgun knocked out of his hand

Rich "Fuck the Cops I Ain't No Snitch" Evans will reveal his position with the local crips chapter and lead the riots

Jay "Confirmed for Gay" Bauman will, due to his liberal agenda, rat out Mike's plan to shoot up rioters, leading to Mike's death

Jack "I Watch My Wife Get Fucked By Blacks" Packard will spend the next two weeks justifying the death of his friend Mike while participating in protests and claiming there are no riots


Mike here. I had to throw Jay to the lions to save the studio. They raped him to death with their big throbbing black cocks. It was pretty hot.

Rich Evans can be heard laughing maniacally among the black power chants and burning gas station.

>"be cool about fire safety" plays as Rich Evans burns Milwaukee to the ground

>I love the smell of burning Shaq meat in the morning.

Jay is a Jew! Don't believe me? Look up his Bauman family name

Going through best of the worst in order. Made it to Wheel of the Worst 6.
Goddamn, it's probably the best episode yet.

illuminati confirmed

You can literally google for the original youtube video


They'll be fine.


>White Goon Knocks Out 2 Guys In Club Parking Lot

Sounds like Mike to me.

Fuck that sounded kind of like Mike at 1:50

Always thought Milwaukee is some redneck white power state, turns out its majority black.

Most major cities are full of niggers. Even Dallas, Texas is brimming.

>AIDSMoby will get shot in the neck by a pack of niggers and drown in his own blood in your lifetime

Mike was such a handsome alpha

Would take his cock up in my ass /10

No just one area.


when is the next best of the worst

During their previously recorded stream earlier today, Jack and Rich said that they were in no danger. I think the riots happened farther away from them. They also said they were touched that people cared about their safety.

Used to live in Milwaukee for a few years, a river divides black and white, the blacks are wrecking havoc in their own neighborhood. I've been warned multiple times by black people not to go into their territory late at night, this was 6 years ago. Milwaukee is one of the most racially segregated cities in America

Diversity truly is America's greatest strength. What would we do without all these black people constantly destroying their own neighborhoods?

Yo! It's about that time
To bring forth another hate crime
I'm gonna commit mine, so commit yours
I wanna see blood comin' out their pores
On the nose is how I'm hitting this
Strictly niggers, jew, I ain't singing this
Bringing this to the entire nation
Black, jew, red, brown
Feel the vibration!

Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil
Feel it, feel it
Feel the vibration

It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation

Giving all niggers death's kiss
Many wanna know who done this
Mikey Mike and I'm here to move you
Vids to groove you
And I'm here to prove to you
A jew in my sights? I pull the trigger
I'm the nigger grave digger
So help me with some vigor
Making you feel the reviews are my occupation
So feel the vibration!

Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil
Feel it, feel it
Feel the vibration

It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation

Rich Evans, break it down

Richie E, on the back up
Drink free, so bring the snack up
No need for jews
I'm the anti N I G G E R, g
My race is healthy
My vids make me wealthy
And Jay Bauman helps me
To bring a show with tons of intoxication
So come on, feel the vibration!

Yeah, can you feel it, Garret?
I can too

It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation

Get of the bathroom floor; stop that lying
That cunt Lauren had you dying? nigga I'm cryin
The crimes that show you that I'm ice-cold
Stay there, jew, I'll show you I'm Hitler tenfold
Pure indie, no sell-out
If you ain't in it to win it get the hell out
What's wrong with your race? I wanna see segregation
White people, feel the salvation!

It's such a good vibration
Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil
It's such a white salvation
Feel it, feel it

It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation
It's such a good vibration
It's such a white salvation








So much effort, dude

Apparently it was until they decided they wanted or needed welfare programs and then the dindus swarmed in like flies on shit.

Rapped in his bored, unenthusiastic voice while wearing a body rap

For some reason I feel AIDS Moby would be cucking off right beside him.


Did the fat chick die?

>Odds are the bitches screaming "stop" instigated the fight. Men, listen up: if you have a girl who creates drama involving other people and then plays innocent after the fact, you're getting it on with a narcissistic sociopath a.k.a. nasty vile c*nt bitch. Get out while you can.

Is this true?

He looks like rich here.


Yes, she died in a car crash.

This is definitely shopped in some way. Look at "Mike's" waistline during the gif. There's some weird brown area. At first I thought his stomach was showing but that can't be it. Propably some sort of artifact from video manipulation

>Mike "It's Mein Partei and I'll Heil If I Want To" Stoklasa

The guys are colored brown.
That's it.

Shut up faggot it's funny

Learn to handle the banter

If that's you mike I love your work

i skip every episode with this faggot

His canadian counterpart is worse.

>RLM Milwaukee Riots
It was only a matter of time.

Same, actually. I found him mildly annoying because anytime a mildly 'inappropriate' joke was made he always looked offended and angry. Then I saw some of his tweets, and hoo boy, this guy's a full-on beta, white guilt tripping, male feminist.

At least AIDS Moby doesn't ruin the entire episode

What are you talking about, this guy actually seems to enjoy the banter

>Mike is out beating niggers
>no new RLM content

Someone post them twitter screencaps.

>Mike finds Jay's beaten, lifeless body, with the words "HA HA HA JOKES ON YOU MIKE"
>spends the rest of his life trying to find his lovers killer

Should've replaced him with based Len.


>literally got visibly triggered when they were making OJ jokes

Holy shit what a faggot

You're kidding. Which episode? I've only been watching Best of the Worst and I'm only at Wheel 6.

>2024 is only 8 years away

Hmm, one of the newer ones, let me try and locate it.

>What are you talking about
In the second BOTW episode they are in, he gets all pissy at some of the jokes and you can see him visibly getting upset.

He's a faggot.

Might've forgotten about that then.

Is Colin the best guest?

all because they started reviewing tv shows
tsk tsk

>Mike going out to the club in Texas
>Mike holding his own in a fight
>Mike wearing a backwards hat
it's not Mike

I'd imagine Mike wouldn't be too bad in a fight provided we were talking prime Mike.

He'd never wear a backwards hat though.

>Mike said OitNB is 'excellent'

Mike got to see Donna's tits, and he was probably waiting for that since That 70s show started airing.

I know I was.

>for ages everyone thought Jack was the malfunctioning cog and beardfat was just some boring, middle-of-the-road dude who you could forget was there
>juicy shaq meat episode

I'm sorry, Jack. I'm sorry for ever doubting you.

First season was good though

they're both terrible. before prerec started they were constantly lumped together as the shitty part of botw

Serious question.

I swear in one or two episodes that there has been a vibe between Jay and him.

Is that just me? I honestly think they may be fuckbuddies.

That's because you're an insecure weenie.

I bet you also fap to trap porn, but tell yourself it is totally not gay.


I know Jay isn't gay, but I'm not entirely sure about Colin. I personally haven't seen any vibe.

Those Asians must be armed to the teeth