So Sup Forums have you fucked someone famous? V2
So Sup Forums have you fucked someone famous? V2
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here we go again
Just remember the motto of Sup Forums.
Of course. The Chads of Sup Forums only have sex with supermodels.
Not really famous, but she was on American Idol and you'd find a ton on her if you googled her. She still sings at festivals, car races, etc. Actually does pretty well for herself. Only had one nude and I lost it.
Christy Mack
in b4 fake
How fucking hard up do you have to be? I hope this is a lie because she's disgusting.
I fucked your sister OP. She is known to suck cock best, so she qualifies as famous. I think that counts.
Youtube Z-Listers and pornstars do seem more likely than anything.
Did you beat the shit out her too?
Not really famous - but in high school I used to date Kelsea Ballerini's (current) personal stylist.
I don't understand why people don't believe when someone fucked a pornstar. They are literally whores.
Fucked Madison Ivy back in 2008.
Popular Twitch streamer KittyPlaysGames
Not sure if that counts
Probably because this is Sup Forums? Successful non-mongoloid normies don't come here. This board is for the depraved failures of life.
Still more believable than someone saying they got a blowjob from Elizabeth Olsen on her 25th birthday.
we are user but 20% of us have had a life ....kek
This isn't the Sup Forums of 2006. There are plenty of normies here that come to sate their fucked up curiosity.
I fucked Betty White's ass in 1952.
This place isn't really fucked up anymore. It's mostly FB/IG and normie threads like "pics you shouldn't share" and people shitposting blacked threads.
I fucked tomboy chan, so I guess Sup Forums famous?
>implying this is an achievement
You know she sleeps around really fucking hard at events right? She fucks just about anyone who's not really ugly that asks her. She also got paid $30,000 by some fat hairy rich Saudi guy to fuck him.
That too. It's pretty tame. I haven't seen an actual CP thread or post in a long time but I don't lurk as much as I once did.
Where she at? I still fap with her pics.
That seems like a good investment of $30,000
I stopped talking to her after a while, she's kind of crazy. She's an art student and a crazily obsessed gym goer, to the point where it kind of ruined her.
Time has not been kind on her, and she's kind of a tumblr looking girl now too.
Like oil tycoons of the middle east give a shit. It'd be like if you found out you were missing 5c from your bank account tomorrow. Money's relative and the corrupt sand niggers who run the middle east don't care about it.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Also worth noting that those pics of her's were taken when she was underaged, so, yeah, if you have a fear of getting v&, I'd get rid of them.
which are false? The only claims Ive seen are a couple pornstars and some youtubers.
Isn't IJustine also said to be kind of a slut?
>I still fap to her pics
Is she the kind of babe that would put on her bikini and let you call her mommy?
Hey man, I'm just giving you a fair warning, not like I give a shit.
you talking about the first result?
I did asia carrera once do that count ?
Fucked a porn chick from reality kings.
Jaye Austin.
Goes by the name of Sarah Dixon in real life.
No. She actually had most of her stuff deleted from the internet. Used to be on imagefap and motherless.
I ate Lonnie Brooks asshole while he jerked off onto my roommates face. 2006 was a good year.
About 10 years ago I met Lisa Brenner in central park nyc. We were both staying a trump tower. Ended up hanging out and after a few drinks went back to my room and did the thing. She was gone when I woke up, no contact number or nothing. Not really that famous but she was in a few movies.
Is she as retarded as she looks IRL?
There's an old actress from star trek. I sell her drugs. She has a pretty serious habit. I have fucked her sometimes when she didn't have the cash for pills. She's not good looking (kinda looks like a 40 year old ugly dude) but I think I could probably get a film of her blowing me. Does Sup Forums think it'd be worth anything on the dark net?
Not me but I know a girl who apparently got with Sheamus. Apparently he's very aggressive in bed so...for all you people out there that wanna fuck Sheamus...that's something.
Jordana Brewster
faggot spotted
She is actually one of the nicest and genuine girls I have ever met.
Jennifer Lien? lol
Star Trek is a massive franchise, so maybe.
Is this true?
Did she paid with rough stuff too? Anal, BDSM and so?
yo fucker what was the date I did her too in NYC
wut are you gay.....must be she is cute as hell ...or was
Yeah, he died like a month ago. At the time, his diabetes made it really hard for him to get it up. He took a bunch of boner pills, drank a ton, we snorted a bunch of coke. He was fucking me then lost his boner, so I ate his ass while he jerked off frantically on my roommate. Took him like 20 min to cum, but it was a huge nut.
Shit man, it was actually like summer of 2000 or 2001-ish. She was cool as shit, curly redhead. Didn't expect anything, but it went down.
I am genuinely fucking speechless.
Mikie Hara, around the time she was doing some video/shoot in Hawaii and her attempts at speaking English are god awful but she was a real fun time.
How did you get her?
Did she wear a bikini for you?
she told me she was in a soap ..yo did we double dip
You two are gay now.
>Jennifer Lien
or Denise Crosby
Wtf, I saw this on a celeb fucking thread like 3 years ago.
Just Selah Sue, but she's not that famous.
No, and neither have any of you faggots.
ya fuck fuck i met her at a club get the fuck out
I didn't say I wouldn't fuck her, I asked is she as retarded as she looks, cos she looks retarded as all hell.
I am a bit gay tho.
lol, it happens. Small world though.
kek ... na man to me she is hot she was insane in bed she came from where i live was way back in nj
Yeah Christy mack. We dated after high school for 3 months. Before she got into pron.
Who fucked Lily?
Me too lol. 2010 before she did pron. And "modeled". Lived in gwood.
the funnest part is I was just lurking and then i saw your shit
And if thats true, good job
sluts gonna slut
Genuinely had a one nighter with her. Believe it or don't, but it happened.
Not really famous but been on tv several times.
I got a blow job from Piyah Martell.
And "her" cousin but they didn't tell me they were cousins, I figured it out afterward.
yo did she want you to put your fingers in her ass too ????
I wanna lick this bitch's stubbly pits. Story?
Fearne Cotton, about 10yrs ago before she became shit-ugly.
I dated Christy mack before she did pron. I can literally drive to her moms house if i wanted to. So user I believe you, not all of us lie.
I guess Angel Cassidy might be sorta kinda famous... her real name is Andrea. Met her at Pipes Cafe in Encinitas. Tried to rent me a room. She used to drug her johns or whatever you call them. Her little sister was better, though.
Not that anyone will believe me, but I had a one night weird evening with Winona Ryder in 2008.
I would be willing to talk about it, if there is any interest.
In the 80's I fucked some chicks that were in local bands and singers in shitty 80's MTV bands, back in days when you could be music video famous
Naw, no butt stuff went down. But she did throw me down and ride me. She basically just took it. Only aggressive girl I've ever been with. I was ok with it, knew I'd likely never see her again.
Oh, and I wiped my dick on a box of chocolates before giving them to a 19yo Melissa Joan Hart. My dick atoms entered her. That counts as sex.
Lindsey Lohan once did a line of coke off my erect cock in a bathroom stall at a club in NYC. That's the whole story.
Go on... What happened?
No sucky succ?
Nope. :(
Did she at least hold it up?
So you fucked her when she was around -10?
it's the closest in this thread for sure
10yrs ago I said. She's not now 10.
I was in Los Angeles for the first time.
It was two years after I graduated college, and I was there for work. I grew up on the east coast, went to school there, still live here.
Anyway, I was taken to this music venue by some associates, it was called the Viper Room or something like that. Something with a snake.
We did some drugs, we were drinking. Generally having a good time.
I didn't recognize her, but I thought she was cute. I hit on her like she was any other woman in the world. She was drunk.
We hit it off. Went back to the hotel I was staying in, abandoning my associates.
We watched a movie, drank some more. Maybe I was a little too loosened by the booze, but I sucked her toes. She played with her cunt. We exchanged oral in the hotel shower, but I didn't enter her. I found out sometime during the hotel escapades who she was, but when she introduced herself to me initially, she didn't use her name.
That was pretty much it. We don't keep in touch.
We didn't exchange numbers.
i dated christy mack good times.
am belgian, would like to hear more of how you scored selah sue
Happened in Vancouver when she was filming Haters Back Off. A bunch of her and the crew went to a pub called Johnny B Pub, we were headed to the bathroom at the same time and bumped into each other literally. Apologized, then after, we came out of the bathroom at the same time and she laughed about it, and invited me over to have drinks with them. Went over, hit it off, headed back to her condo after last call. Talked about her show, and california, she joked about my Canadian accent, and talked about how she was separated from her husband, and how she had to keep up appearances for her youtube sponsors and it was taking a toll on her. She brought out a bottle of wine, which we never ended up drinking. Ended up having sex, which was a lot more kinky than I was expecting. Especially for a one nighter.