The IT industry is a fucking joke

The IT industry is a fucking joke.

Ba dum tsst

I'm not in IT, but explain.

Why else I decided to switch to a tradeskill.

I just joined a support team in a big french company. I'm a linux sys admin for a month now.

Please explain.

You must not live in the Bay Area because it's freaking grear, tons of jobs, and easy to make a 6 figure income. Actually it's easier than any other job here to get a 6 figure salary as long as you worked your way up from college.

How hard do you think it is for someone straight out of high school

A lot of IT works doesn't needs college or diploma.

Of course some needs it, it's mandatory.

I feel like, if you actually have a solid degree and background and know what you're actually doing, there are good jobs. Otherwise, most of the shit low level IT people do could be dealing with shit most people could just google and fix themselves if they had the time. There has to be more science involved with better paying IT jobs. Not sure that industry could be classified as a "fucking joke" all together. I'm not in IT though.

Not hard at all. Find a nice company, with a fuckin' nice CV (design) and say you are motivated and love to do computers stuff (example: hosting a website with a database, or a mail server) and you have a nice change to get hired.

In IT the most important things is motivation.

At least in France.

It's easy just start coding and searching the major companies for openings and applying like crazy. College work does help but it isn't mandatory. Out of HS you could be making that in 3 years easily. If you have 0 IT experience and don't plan to go into the coding do sales the money is insane.

Business people love buying bullshit by the metric ton. Learn some jargon and know more than your bosses, you too can pretend you're contributing to society.

Some boss actually understand what they are doing and say... Your advice is kind of risky.

What type of jobs do you apply for if you have zero experience in the IT? Most I see are for software engineering or software analyst, I think coming from HS I wouldn't be able to land those without college or experience. So apply to what? Managers, sales, customer service?

In the administrator system area, you can start as a tech, level 1.

If you can read and are ready to learn fast and a lot of things in a very short time you can do it. Some company love fresh peoples who aren't expert but if are the good type of coworkers it can do the tricks.

Some of my coworkers started like this.

In my case, I used linux for ten years and I've done so very minor stuff (hosting a website with a database, since a bit more than a month now I've my own mail server etc).

Sorry for my English.

And also some peoples are just connecting a server to a switch (for example). In France if you are motivated and can read a bit of english it *can* be enough. Depends of the company.

Having some friends in these kinds of company help a lot, too.

This joke got me a 6-figure job right out of school and NOT in Bay Area, so I won't complain at all

5-figure in my case but I have no experience as a sys admin so I won't complain too :-).

I know if I still works here in some years I'll be able to ask for a 6-figure salary.

IT works is great, depending of your company and what you do. What are you doing?

Good old software development using whatever is asked or needed.

to answer the hotline, maybe. I'm a developer and pretty much every developer in my compagny is an engineer.

Dev isn't admin.

I've done some hotline but it's hell.

Without diploma I'm a level 2 with 27k€ a years, minus the charge of course. Which is ~1800€ per month which is fuckin' nice in my case (no diploma).

So maybe someone can help me, looking for more information. I'm looking at Admin jobs and entry level and most have requirements for knowledge of DNS servers, LAN connections, etc etc. Is this stuff hard to learn? Any place to learn this stuff for free so I can land one of these jobs

Thats super easy stuff, i can teach it probably. Most places require certifications though.

I trust your authoritative assessment based on your years of being a joke

Internet is the best way to learn. IRC helps too.

But the best is man, by the way :).

Read, ask, try, fail, retry, fail, retry, fail, cry, win.

From what you say you can *at least* ask for a tech level 1 job, which is not very well paid but it can be a good start for you and you can learn while at work and at home.

Try, really, try.

The fuck you say, puto?

If you have some common sense and know addition and subtraction operations, you can do it. Like, it is legit embarrassing how simple and common sense all this stuff is once you learn it, tho it does seem daunting at the beginning.

I remember when it was hell for me to install and manage a linux server...

Now it's pretty much a piece of cake *most* of the time. Still having problem, but I'm working on it.

All these words to say: your words is truth.

Thanks for the help guys. Here is to a career change. I give my self the next 3 months to try and make it happen. Hopefully my career prospects will get better than this miserable glass ceiling I'm in currently.

Oh, I was talking mostly about stuff like knowledge of DNS, routing, LANs, TCP/UDP, etc. Setting up servers is more difficult on average imo, mostly due to the sheer amount of variables involved that can go wrong that are not always obvious at all.

>Learn some jargon and know more than your bosses, you too can pretend you're contributing to society
My wife is an IT director. Your approach would not go down well, and your interview would be both short and unproductive.

You are also an idiot.