Are kids pure and innocent?

Are kids pure and innocent?

No, if I can speak of personal experience. At least when I was a kid, I was the largest pervert, trying to sneak in on people showering all the time. Especially when my mother's hippy friends came over.

Kids are shitty people. Every single one. They are selfish and lack empathy. Only through parenting do they have the CHANCE to become decent human beings.

middle school shooters yeah

This. Most people suck at parenting though.

>school social worker

>Implying that social workers aren't even worse than parents

it's what parents like to believe

No they little shìts. They can even express themselves. They seek violence and attention. They mostly like most ppl on Sup Forums. Annoying little fùken trolls you take pleasure of harassing others and making others feel bad . fuk kids

>Are kids pure and innocent?

Generally. Unless/until their parents [or other caregivers] fuck them [up].

I work with kids. I can confirm that they are not one bit innocent. They are little shits

Kids are THE DEVIL!

No, they are born racist.


>No, they are born racist.

Which is another way of saying that their innocence is destroyed by being raised among apes and freaks that are not human, but are called such.

If there were no niggers in our society, their innocence would be intact, and they wouldn't have a clue.

The "kids" in that photo look like teenagers.

had to slip a nigger into the movie to make it PC...
there would have been no nigger boys aboard that ship IRL, based upon the time and society the book was set in.

>assuming movie takes place in shitmerica

a 1954 boys choir from the UK would have a black kid without issue.

Kids are fucking retarded scumbags taking the attention they dare to think they deserve by being nasty dickheads

>from the UK

because everything in "the UK" is so fucking homogenous, for as far back as an idiot [like you] can remember. You honestly think there was no racism or segregation "in the UK"?

'Stupid is as Stupid Does', I guess

go back to /pol you aren't wanted here

more of this

I wish we grew up with more diverse species like in Kek the game. All we get is shitskin, Jew Hoggers, and arab gnomes.

This whole comment is fucking hilarious.

of course they have racism. A boys choir going on a boat trip is going to be from a public school, which only gives a shit about one thing: Pounds fucking sterling. There were all kinds of rich africans in the UK at the time and they sent their kids to the same fucking public schools as the rich white people.

No they are little shits and try to get away with anything they can. I was a pretty tame kid and even I would do fucked shit. I remember randomly like throwing glass cups and such in the yard and having it break. My mom would scream at the top of her lungs yet I would still so it once in a while. Why?

>go back to /pol you aren't wanted here

You can't have innocence without purity. And a 'diverse' society is the antithesis of purity. No purity of species, no purity of thought, no purity of existence.

Complain, argue, and deny all you want, but facts are stubborn things ----- If there were none of this filthy 'diversity' you cherish, then the innocence of our children would not be destroyed.

Oh yeah purity, ask the hapsburgs how well their 'blood purity' worked out for them.


Being a little bitch and whining about muh races won't help anyone. Reverting to a state of purity is possible and might help us all. Being here can do good or bad for that, there is no neutrality when you either absorb what the internet has to poorly offer, or learn from the mistakes of the internet to try to understand life a little better.

Sure there is much the internet can inform without bias, but these words weaken in this land of opinions.

No. From ages 1-7, they alright. 8-, they are massive little shits who are perverted. I've met a kid who tried to seduce her own father. She was 10. I saw it happen, and she was my cousin. She wasn't being sexually abused, either. She tried to seduce me as well, and asked me, when I was babysitting her, to fuck her. Rumor has it, they put her in the psych ward. My family stopped talking about her, and when asked, people forget they heard her name. Her dad is a bit of a creep now, though, so maybe she was sexually abusing her, but I doubt it, because I saw them "alone" and he spurned her advances. She was also a little psychopath who tried to kill another kid, but nobody could prove it, but I saw it. We sent her back home after that, because she was just visiting, but damn, she was crazy!

Note- I was 15 at the time of this story, and that was 10 years ago.

Kids are retarded adults with younger bodys. They're pieces of shit that respect no one else with their whining in public and lack of understanding for how fairness works.

Get the fuck off Sup Forums 5 year old.

Thus said the 13 year old who probably has a folder of gay porn. So remove yourself from Sup Forums, underage fag.

pure black voids of hatred.

I never stated my age, you stated you were 15 at the time of this story, now is the story. 10 years ago you were 5. This is the time of the story so fuck off 5 year old.

Why di you pick the weirdest looking kid for the photo, if you want to make a serious thread (which you obviously don't want to cuz your posting it on b) than just pick a real photo, you goof

And perverts. Who are more obsessed with sex than I am.

Dumbass. Your smartass sarcasm is just another bit of proof that you are a 13 year old.

Also, grammar lesson. If you want to be smartass, it would only work if I said "I AM 15, at the time of writing this, and this is a story from 10 years ago". Instead, you look stupid.

Oh, and you should DENY the accusation instead of ignoring it.

Calm down bru, it was a yolk. Ain't no one hea gotta prove they self nnniggle. No one minds that you're 5.

Not all of them. Just like not all parents are doing a bad job. Most of them, but not all.

It's sad, nobody responds to the story of the perverted kid but everyone responds to smartass obvious underage kid.

lol no

almost right. except the other way around.

I won't agree with that last bit but your point is spot on. We focus so much more on the bad than the good, especially in the media. You have every chance to make this world better yet you are here, focusing on the negatives.

See, people respond to insignificant comments on Sup Forums but ignore things that don't suit their own agenda, like "all kids are innocent" "guns kill, it made the kid shoot someone", etc. See, that kid wasn't innocent, she was insane. But nobody will focus on my story, because this one smartass. Same with media. We focus on, say, guns, instead of the shooter.