Whats the worst thing you've seen on Sup Forums?
Whats the worst thing you've seen on Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
furry porn
this thread
rate my dick threads
Kimmy fields.
Rozelli threads and her beta orbiters
eyo wite boi threads
This can't be the worst because OP has delivered.
definitely THIS stupid fucking video
underage girl
I don't know why this makes me laugh so hard.
That poor kid
>just naming repetitive threads you don't like
Newfags. This thread is not for you
Either a naked man shitting on a baby, or celeb threads. Can't decide which was worse.
you don't belong here, fag
he had nice hair
Dat not good boi
Im not a nrwfag your the newfag you fag just kys cancer
>in before
I've seen so much shit I don't even care anymore.
This burst welly
Are these transgendered cable connectors?
When polish fags on /bant/ posted CP
it cant be unseen
actually quads