What are some movies that are highly praised and you could actually understand why but just hated?
What are some movies that are highly praised and you could actually understand why but just hated?
everything this pretentious overachieving hack makes
Citizen Kane. The only reason it's so praised is because the shoehorned "metaphors" and "symbolism" are so entry-level, plebs can pat themselves on the back for "getting" a "deep" movie.
stay mad Argie :D
Nymphomaniac, it was filled with little moments that seemed to be von Trier patting himself on the back for being so edgy. It just came off as kind of pretentious and it left a bad taste in my mouth.
Taxi Driver
Everything was perfect and coherent, but for the love of god I was so bored.
Maybe another time.
Kill yourself
You first :^)
Mad Max Fury Road
Yes, the technical aspects are very impressive, but I still prefer Road Warrior.
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