me, my Japanese wife and our beautiful kid
you jealous virgin looser?
Me, my Japanese wife and our beautiful kid
Not jealous at all)))))
she's so butifel
she looks like Gollum desu.
Your kid is going to be mentally ill.
I don't care.
fuck you cunt give me a half filipino gf
>jap wife
>ugly ass beta man
like pottey
Cute kid. Congratz m8!
Can confirm am half Japanese half white
He looks like a pack leader, why would he be
>"you jealous virgin losers"
If that baby had blue eyes, it'd look excatly like what I looked when I was a baby.
Except he managed to pass on his genes, and you didn't.
Yes but now Sup Forums has a new reaction img
Do you really think that actually is the polish poster
poor kid's gonna be bullied mercilessly
Speaking as an actual Japanese
Only the worst of the worst women go out with white guys honestly. Roppongi whores and mentally ill single mothers in their 40s
I thought this is just what Eastern Europeans look like?
>single mothers in their 40s
Jokes on you buddy. I've got an Asian milf fetish anyways.
>t. mentally ill hapa poster
This. The girls from 23 down look like teens to me. I mean my dick doesn't even work when looking at them. Maybe at like 25 they start looking mature enough? At 30 they've ripened enough. Even then hapa girls look the best.
>The girls from 23 down look like teens to me. I mean my dick doesn't even work when looking at them. Maybe at like 25 they start looking mature enough? At 30 they've ripened
Do you even have Asians in Finland? We have half of China here so I've fucked plenty to speak from experience.
>inb4 we're Asian
Your fucked up hapa kids will kill you and your fugly jap wife in your sleep and deservedly so.
Is there any scientific reason for pic related to happen so consistently?
I think it's just usually WMAF couples are Loser/beta white guy & bottom tier /white worshiping/self hating Asian girl.
cherrypicking and bro phrenology
Raise them in Japan away from all this Jewish race nonsense and they will be fine.
>On May 25, 2016, de Grood was found not criminally responsible for the homicides on the basis of a mental disorder (schizophrenia, per two of three expert witnesses) that caused a psychotic episode during the killings. According to his lawyer, Allan Fay, he intentionally killed the five victims, but believed they were werewolves and vampires who threatened his life. The NCR order means de Grood will be locked down in a psychiatric facility, and receives periodic reviews that could lead to his release under certain conditions.
Hundreds of examples, tons of research, and new hapa news stories everyday is not cherry picking. It's fact and easy to see that Asian men treat white women as equals while white men with yellow fever behave like white niggers around Asian women and treat them like cheap sextoys while dissing Asian men, including their Asian-looking hapa son, and they only get the extremely self-hating batshit insane Asian women who should never have children.
No, there really isn't. There is no sound reason for that, objectively. I think the pic compiler has been quite selective regarding the outcome.
Be careful guys
The article you screencapped makes zero mention of the gender of the Asian and White parents.