>100-pack of beer
Why are you not moving to Finland already?
Opinions about this. OP is going to buy one tomorrow with my friend
100-pack of beer
Do finns have any goals in life other than being constantly drunk?
you thought it was april fools but no it was not. think about the possibilities with that amount of beer!
very nice
Are there any countries that don't have their flag on at least one beer box?
finland for example but its 100th anniversary of independent finland so this is exceptional
And it just had to be the absolute worst brand of market beer.
>falling for the liquid jew
finland i am dissapoint
No good beer would plaster the flag on their shit. Good beer can sell based on the quality of the product rather that being the cheapest and/or appealing to national sentiment.
what do you drink?? ye own piss aight? :D
Why did you Photoshop a different face on
Daily reminder the beer contains estrogen.
i think its illegal to sell alcohol with the flag :D But this is finland 100-years limited edition pack
100 cans 0.33l?
Why not just buy 17 plastic 2l bottles?
He's probably just an edgy straight edge cuck. Everybody knows that real men get drunk whenever they feel and hang around outside gas stations.
>binland commemorating a mere 100 years
>and then euros have the nerve to call new world countries "young"
where do you get that idea? we already had this
largest you can get is 1L can but its expensive. Alternatively you can buy five 24-packs for 20€ ea. so it would make 120 beers for same price. just going to buy it for the meme :D
not exactly hardcore m8
i dont drink alcohol
alcohol will kill me if i drink it
reminder huehue-man: there's been actually people living here for longer than 100 years. Unlike colonial nations
It's a meme, put on it's suitable context.
>it's a meme you dip
>Finnish """"beer""""
shelves full of this same stuff in belgium also??? except you like dark beer more? proplems?
We have plebian beer ofcourse. But i only drink patrician beer.
*kantelt deukhoedje*
very good chips they make.
Aldi chips?
They don't sell 100 packs in USA makes me sad. 50 was as big as we found.
Estonia, you generally can't use the flag colors on products.
We put flag colors on EVERYTHING
Look at these fucking fascist regimes.
I bet you can use EU colors huh.
I dont get this meme. Less alcohol or just a more water taste?
less calories, same alcohol
so yes it tastes worse but gets the job done
But why would you? :D
What's the point ? I can just get four 36pcks
Or is it way cheap ?
>Why are you not moving to Finland already?
Because beer is cheaper here.
Just drink wine, it's better for you and tastier
You absolute homosexual
>Kirkland brand beer
Costco sure has everything
Wine has a higher alcohol proof, you are drinking piss
why post that modified image when the original guy looks plenty työukko enough?
don't mind him, he's just really insecure
whiskey is the gentleman's choice
Who /steele reserve/ here?
> drinking that shit on purpose
run outta lizard semen, didja
I'll never understand why Americans hate based steel reserve so much
We can't buy it in Canada so we smuggle it in using water trucks, a 20,000L water truck can carry 60k worth of steel reserve if you sell it at $3/liter, you can further mark it up to $4/liter and make more money
I heard stories of guys who even made a "pipeline" of fire hoses over the border to smuggle steel reserve
It's the cheapest shit there is, literally the shit that's left at the bottom of the vat once all the good beer has been canned.
Its the beer equivalent of smoking resin
>4,5% alc
A decent quality 6+ month old resin from a well used bong is equal to or sometimes better than hashish
That stuff is shit but it gets the job done. Can get a 4 pack of 16 oz cans for $3 across the street.
>Can get a 4 pack of 16 oz cans for $3 across the street
In Canada that would probably at least $12
Бля :DD
Had one Czech beer I liked but I forgot the name so I don't drink beer anymore.
I couldn't have this in my house. I'd be plastered 24/7. How much is it btw?
These are close as you can get to water. I drank 30 of them one day just marathoning the x-files.
>Can get a 4 pack of 16 oz cans for $3 across the street.
Fuck you
Its like getting 8 beers for $3. About $0.38 a beer.
>About $0.38 a beer.
WHAT THE FUCK. An 8 pack of shitty Budweiser here costs $15.
>Drinking nigger beer out of a glass
What about 100 pack ES?
42€ for a crate(24 beers) right behind my house
That's fucking awesome.
I asked for a crate. They didnt have it in stock but will order. Got it after 1 month and 2 weeks. I thought that they had forgotten me.
I never drink alcohol. But Finland is good country. So I wish to visit it.
A crate of Orvals? Those are $4-5 for a single bottle here. Theyre worth it every once in a while though. If Im drinking Trappist I prefer Rochefort 8's though.
If you can try Chouffe or Watou trippel.
Ive had Watou which is good but Ive never seen Chouffe.
Have you had Westvleteren 12? Those go for $15+ a bottle here. Some people say thats the best beer anywhere.
He is a wörk man from kiuruvesi
His name is Pete Kauppinen
He owns a soil tränsport firm
He days kjeh a lot
Nope, i have to make a special call for that shizzl.
>2 hour window to reserve crate
>lines occupied
>if you made reservation your number wont get thru for 2 months
I guess ill have to try again :^)
Vettä tulee kraanasta.