Do americans think of themselves as white?

Do americans think of themselves as white?

What's 'white'?

whats think

this guy, or so he claims

not us

Do you think of me as white

>brown eyes
no not really

mediterraneans are not white fuck off spaniard diaspora

you look like my brother

No yellow

you're the pure "iberian" guy

Blacks call me cracka does that mean they think of me as white?

you are white

No they probably say it ironically as it is very common in African American communities to believe that Mediterraneans and Slavs are not really white.

hello amerindian brother

I'm not Amerindian

t. chicano LARPing as white

hello chicano brother


Yes I am spen

lets see that hair

It's pretty clear from my eyebrow that my hair isn't black.


Yep. Here's a picture of a Sup Forums meeting from last year.

you're not fooling anyone Mehicano

What are you talking about

spaniards are proxy mexicans

Spaniards look nothing like Mexicans




>tfw no autistic nazi gf

No I am Mediterranean

I'm American, naturally, I'm of the white men that settled this land.

I think you should shove your keyboard up your ass OP.

saudi jesus and jackie chan were great