Do you have anything made in Argentina (or from AR) in your house? Is a good product?
Do you have anything made in Argentina (or from AR) in your house? Is a good product?
if i had one prolly wouldn't be
Not really, no.
Tell me about argie products.
the grated cheese bag we have says "made in Argentina" (la marca es ilolay)
Those fruit candies, the ones that have gel liquid inside, Accor I think.
What else does Argentina export to USA?
some yerba
tell me about argie industry OP
I had argentinian cookies, but I already ate them
Yes, a sports car. It is fast.
transexuals, not as good as brazilians
Arcor stuff bonobon is the best cream ever.
Actually I bought a CD when I was in Buenos Aires.
Cbcé y compadrito, no somos productores de yerba (solo en pocos lados se puede encontrar yerba 100% chilena) así que toda la que llega a mi super cercano es de argentina o brasil.
Legit made in Argentina.
>sports car
>sudaca electric urban vehicle
Contra-Fillet Argentino is pretty famous here
>sports car
this is shopped?
i hav a lot of tings of made of argentina in mi hous
I have one of this in the refrigerator
I don't really know, but don't think so
I think I should have still some argie shrimps left
Yes, it is shit.
Dulce de Leche SAN IGNACIO
Argentinian Dulce best Dulce
Uruguayan and Brazilian ones are shit
A jar of Havanna dulce de leche a friend who visited recently brought me and a bsas tshirt I bought at the San telmo fair a couple of years ago m8
oh yeah we have that too
love the Pomelo Rosado (pink grapefruit) flavored one