Hey fags Ive been what would be considered a sadist since I was around 11...

Hey fags Ive been what would be considered a sadist since I was around 11, I was not born to a abusive household or anything. Is this a normal occurrence?

Everyone's a bit of a sadist

Or a masochist


I personally don't derive any pleasure from being in pain, only giving it :)

Same here, I was just saying.

I don't mind being on either recieving or giving end.

I agree with you i was just saying that's not me, i know a adorable christian girl who turned out to be a masochist/fun times were had, religions were betrayed and disrespected/ ;)

personally there are few things more attractive to me than seeing a cute girl helplessly atop an iron horse.

Not quite sure what I'm into. I think masochist.