
Is there any hope left or is our demise already set in stone?

What should I do Sup Forums?

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Dont stop fighting, how pathetic would it be you you just gave up?

7 lives for your emperor

But who am I kidding

Your a fucking Swede

Nice job Sweden

Yea, God damn it!

Move, let it burn, then Europe can see what a disaster niggers cause

What this fatbro said.

We need to keep fighting.

We have against the whole European Union, we even have against the fucking pope.

Sweden, im so fucking sorry for you. Having your country literally overrun by muslimes and when they rape they cover the fact that the rapist was muslim. I would go berserker if they tried to cover it up.

We are Europeans, We are Brothers!

Go full Breivik

Arrange big mass suicide in public place

Start killing muds. Die for your country, become a hero forever ingrained in the minds of the internet.
Be the next Breivik.

You don't have to ask a Muslim to do that

Ask /k/ about preparing for the happening

Stand up for what you believe and you must try to convince others.never give up

bomb a mosque.
behead a muslim.
All on film.
Just do something you fucking pussies!

go mosque burning get a mask, gloves and black clothing, and get a flammable substance, bust into the mosque and get a match with your substance in hand dump it on the floor, then run.

We tease you because you love you. Honestly. That's why we tease each other.

Get out and fight for your country. That doesn't mean any crazy terrorist shit. Fight for you culture, fight for your people.

Stop being ashamed of being Swedish. Stop being ashamed of your culture.

Stay strong lads.

The only hope you have is that once Sweden runs out of money and it's welfare system collapses, all the niggers, gipsies, muslims and lefties will simply just try to find another country to ruin because they cannot survive without leeching on others.

This will only work if another Socialist Democracy is still active at that point that is willing to take in migrants and refugees at that point while still holding on to liberal immigration policies.

Only other way is for Sweden to have a violent revolution or get conquered by someone who hates niggers and muslims more than swedes.

Vote SD in the next election

If they lose we're probably fucked tho

Don't worry, Jimmy Åkesson will make Sweden great again.

Its all ogre Sven.
I hope you get raped before you get beheaded t b h

Vote far right please. Honestly. Only way.
t. jew who votes far left green party every year.

Of course I will brother.

Are those Swedish guards wearing Pickelhaubes? Those helmets look badass.

Owned by EA

I remember when some chocolate company here in Svea got bought by an american Corp.

The ads suddenly began having a lot of interracial couples in them...

your nation died with Charles XII. it's time to start standing up for yourselves

fränder, bröder. vår stormaktstid är över

Away with you, vile beggar

you hit rock bottom and decided to dig

You won't be able to stop them, sadly. Your country is gone. More refugees. Then more Muslim politicians. Then the carnage. You are not us, and even we are on the downward slide.

Continue fighting if you want perhaps you could slow them down a year or two, saving us further trouble.

You need to go down hard and I mean so hard that no one in a few generations even considers uttering the word "multiculturaliam" you have to be what the nazis became to nationalism

it's time to reincarnate the SS


>We are Europeans, We are Brothers!

Fucking beautiful

I like the cut of your jib.