1. Spics have higher welfare usage rates than Blacks

1. Spics have higher welfare usage rates than Blacks.
2. WM/SpicF couples have higher divorce rates than WMWF.
3. Spics have voted overwhelmingly democrat in every single election since they started being counted 40 years ago. Just like blacks.
4. Spic countries have the highest homicide rates in the world, to point that Uganda and the Congo look peaceful.
5. Spics are not White. The average Mexican is 57% Native, 37% European, and 5% African. This is barely "Whiter" than Africans Americans who are on average 25% European.
6. Spics have triple the homicide rate of Whites in the US, even though Muhammed and Achmed are included in “Non-Hispanic White.”
7. The most successful Spic nations are barely wealthier than the absolute poorest European nations.
8. Spics have significantly higher obesity rates than Whites.
9. Spics have an average IQ range of 80 to 90, some variation depending on sources but close to a standard deviation below whites (Blacks have about 1 standard deviation from Whites)
10. There is no “melting pot.” We had laws in place to exclude all non-White immigrants. Since the US was formed, it has always been 80-90% Non-Spic White, comparable to European countries. The remaining population was black and could not vote or hold significant power. So who created the politics? The laws? The economy? The technology? Whites. That’s why the US is a White nation. A nation is not the ground it was built on, it is the work of the people.
11. “Spics can be great! Look at Cubans!” Cubans have very low Native blood. They are basically either Spaniard, Black, or a negro mix. Therefore, “White Cubans” probably actually are White.
(Sources will be in a reply to this post)

The biggest difference between Spics and Blacks is that Spics are taking over our country.

Middle Easterners make up less than 4% of Germany. Spics make up over 17% of the US. Literally over 4x the number of sandniggers.

Look at our streets. This is LA.

Is this okay with you?




kek, is that a picture of the LA callejones? some people look very mexican but have been in america for generations, doesn't make them illegal buthurt wite boi. pic related is me and your sister

>Spics are taking over our country
t. ching chong chang


>Spics have an average IQ range of 80 to 90, some variation depending on sources but close to a standard deviation below whites
So do Iranians and Indians tho. And they're not (that) dumb

I can't wait for Trump to make America white again

I believe undocumented migrant is the preferred term

Wrong board

spic isn't a race jesus christ

who let the pol out?
lately i'm seeing a lot of this on int.
pls back to pol.

He got triggered by the Mexican thread

How can I get a chicana gf to claim me for aztlan

That /mlpol/ fiasco basically spread the Redditors far and wide.

But you will have to. I mean. You will have to wait a lot. kek.

This, I don't know why these 2 faggots are still here. They're even posting the same threads again even when Sup Forums tells them to fuck off

might be
pol managed to get more cancerous
but they weren't suppose to come here :/

i saw that kek

Is somebody linking us to Sup Forums

what is wrong with this one?

The most important thing to note about spics is that they are short, ugly, trolls.


I'm honestly starting to think that they're from Sup Forums
Just ignore them and move on.

Isn't him this one ?
And also he posted the same thread he linked 1 or 2 days ago.

And there are a lot of them lately. I'm seriously thinking on taking a break of Sup Forums, seeing all these cunts hate threads is more boring than seeing the same Touhou pics/threads over and over on the most weeaboo side of 4chin.

Kek, ignore the pic, it was for another thread.

>Isn't him this one
>he same thread he linked 1 or 2 days ago
Can't argue with that

Leave and never come back Montezuma