How do I sneak pizza into a movie theater without getting caught?

How do I sneak pizza into a movie theater without getting caught?

I know a mod so anyone with an answer that doesn't work is getting permab&.

I usually put mine in my shoe or wear a large hat

>become cross-dresser
>have jumbo purse
>put pizza in ziplock bags
>enjoy pizza during movie

i always keep a spare pizza in my wallet, it will work for you too

I know a mod lol.

Post more pics of that big titted fatty. She's cute. Looks like Katie Cummings.

First, get gf.
Second, go to movies with said gf.
Third, have gf bring good sized bag.
Fourth, always buy something from concession stand, be it a red slushy and popcorn. If they see you walking in with purchased good they usually don't bother you.

Tell the manager that it's left overs. They will fight you but you can usually get in or a free movie ticket out of it if you cause a fuss

It is Katie Cummings.

Go on then, permaban me. I fucking dare you.

Hide the pizza in a gun