Why are white male brains less complex--more like animals--than women's and black men's bulging brains?

Why are white male brains less complex--more like animals--than women's and black men's bulging brains?

Being less iq is not necesaarily less evolved


>Sup Forums
>bulging black brain

Come on man, nobody buys into this shit, why are you wasting your time?

I'm comfortable with us white males being less complex and nuanced in the ole cranium. Sometimes other skills is what you need. And that's how diversity makes us stronger.

It's cuz we think with our dicks. Too much blood goes there instead of our heads.

>why u expect people to believe
Because it's literally science and I provided source. You'd understand if white males actually took higher education these days.

'This company was really turning to shit until we hired all those black Africans."

Said no business owner ever.


lol wow science is dead

>fragile white boy ego crushed
>it's not science science is dead boo hoo

That's when the cafeteria started serving only fried chicken and watermelon juice. Also the bathroom stalls began to fill the entire office with nuclear nigger shit stench and the CEO got corn-rows

trips don't lie

Writer is making shit up. Doesn't cite his claims therefore much be their own and then that binding. It's some profs learn2businesspsych class booklet. Not even real publishing

Some shit printed out and bound does not "science" make.. you would know this if your "bulging brain" wasn't "bulging" due to being dropped on your head a dozen times.

Judging by the white male fragility on full display in replies I'd say op is on to something.

By the way, where there's no fire, there's no smoke, but smoke indicates some presence of fire, as Neil Degrasse Tyson says

>women tend to have a higher tolerance for ambiguity

So fucking shit. They love to say one thing and mean something else and expect everyone to know what the fuck they want.

>Also, using women instead of females in an academic assignment.

Seems legit.

user is right I have a low iq but I've managed to fuck over people who I would consider much superior then me. There is always someone bigger.

>more 'flexible cognitive structures'

One question. If diversity makes a company better why does it have to be forced? If it actually was a benefit just let companies hire whoever they want without the quotas, then those with diversity would prosper and those that were just white guys would fail. Is it because everyone knows that just the opposite would be true?

yeah everyone knows black women are smarter than white men... definitely, proven every day... yup, couldn't be exact opposite to the point of ridiculousness, nah they invented whole western civilization...wait...


More efficient. Whites dont have to spend extra power thinking about what kfc they're going to rob that day.

These conclusions are in need of a credible citation that actually uses a double blind test to rule out prejudice on either side. Without that it's just as pseudo-scientific as phrenology or radioactive quackery

Intelligence tests are inherently biased because they only measure a certain type of intelligence. Some people might consider themselves smarter than primitive cultures but the tests require being able to read/write, something we're taught from childhood but they haven't. On the other side of the coin, try camping in the jungle with natives and you'll look like an idiot to them because they've been taught to survive since birth

Actually you would be the racist. A quota system and other race based benefits are beginning with the assumption of inferiority