s/fur excuse the stupid collar
S/fur excuse the stupid collar
Other urls found in this thread:
Dergs, stronk and somebody needs snu snu?
Alright anons that's all I got. The rest is loli and gay furs.
I wonder if South Koreans still play on the PC on the floor.
>Why not both?
No dragons?
Do me a favor and post ur gay stuff on the g/fur/ thread. I want some of that
We should make a Korean music video.
lol see you there gayboi
3 people have night terrors because of threads like these.
Just for nostalgia of my poor childhood, I bought Smucker's Goober, where they mix Strawberry Jelly and Peanut Butter in the same jar. Pretty good stuff.
First time on Sup Forums and I see furry porn...
Im home... Im finally home...
If you like that, you should really check out
Welcome to the ride that never ends!
Welcome to the club
I call it 8 hour energy, it's 1 part 5 hour energy, and the other 3 hours are espresso, Scott's Turf Builder, and a tiny, tiny, super small amount of cocaine. Just a little bit. I can't stress the little bit enough.
I would post pics but they're all on my PC back home and I'm on vacation with only my laptop.
Sorry, this one: e-hentai.org
Wat. Is that meant for me?
>Go other places
>Save images
>Post here
>Save other images
I hate people.
I hate myself
Time and time again
I cannot
Find the reason
Why my life is all right
But I just can't
Stop the pain
Look into your heart
Look into your mind
Look into your soul
Let it go
And you don't know
What to say
so edguy
Run away run away
With the pain
That I told you once
I could not spare
Its only satisfaction now
This time of the year
Run away run away
With the pain
That I told you once
I could not spare
Its only satisfaction was fear
But you can go kys
faggots here probably don't even know what Edguy is
And you too now lol
I wasn't expecting anyone to get it. I just thought of it one day out of stupidity because I got sick of people throwing around the word "edgy" all the time, and I started using it to mock people.
I'll fix this filter soon lol
There we go!
Don't filter my bf, nigger. I'll filter you.
I just got here, but fuck I love edguy, what a quirky band
wasn't this a s/fur thread?
Keeping this for future reference.
I thought it was a shitposting thread.
charge your laptop please
Lol, I forgot to remove it hahaha
I will shortly.
Anyone know the source for this pic?
Reverse search gives me nothing.
There we go. :p
haha i'm a huge faggot please rape my face
come on, such a rookie mistake?
when you do please upload a pic of it charging for my personal satisfaction please
Fucking queer
>TFW you're an egotistical narcissist obsessed with yourself and people finally imitate you
meant to post this
thank you
no u
>tfw Gorsha is shit and Azelyn is better anyway
Eh, I beg to differ.
Fuck you too
Why do so many characters have those stupid collars?
Fixed the filtering lol
I'm sorry?
because pet play. I sometimes do that with my gf, too. whoever wears the collar must follow the commands of the one that holds the leash.
it's fun!
Meh, really not even worth imitating really.
Only because I love myself so much and always wanted someone to imitate me.
Seriously, why did you filter him? You know he's just joking around, right?
Yeah, but when he gets riled up, he goes apeshit lol see
Alright, chill. You're not helping you know.
I see that.