I'm drunk as fuck. I have depression, PTSD, and BPD. AMA

I'm drunk as fuck. I have depression, PTSD, and BPD. AMA

Also general feels and cutting thread. Cutting preferred because I want to live vicariously through others as I can cut anymore but anything feels related is welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck off

bipolar or borderline?

I won't ask you anything as participating in this thread is tantamount to enabling your self destructive behavior. However I am compelled to alert you that alcohol consumption exacerbates all of the conditions you claim to have.
You have bigger fish to fry:
1. You think your picture has any value what so ever
2. You think people are interested in your mental landscape
3. You come on Sup Forums for advice, while intoxicated no less almost insuring no future learning as the thread will be gone by the time you come out of your inevitable black out

Go to bed faggot

hey can ur mom send me some of your tendies? im hungry too.

What else am I gonna do at 12:30?\


I know alcohol doesn't solve anything. I don't want to solve anything anymore. Also why I'm not asking for advice. Just figured I'd make a feels thread with a little something extra.

what's ur current cocktail? i have some issues with psychosis and mania so they put me on meds.

She probably would. I bet she already loves you more than she loves me.

Whatever's available. Tonight it's bourbon and sweet tea vodka.

borderline is BPD bipolar is BD

my man

I'm drunk as fuck too negro

Let's talk
I love being drunk

You cutting because you are fit or because you think that hurting yourself makes you better?

Also, PTSD because you are military or because you are a sad little bitch who didn't didn't get their way?

Not really an alcohol connoisseur. Anything high proof is fine for me. Everclear was nice cause I could just take a couple shots and forget everything.

I don't cut anymore. I'm not sure why I cut in the past. I think it changed a lot. Sometimes it was because I liked pain. Sometimes because I felt numb and needed to feel something. Sometimes because it was punishment.

PTSD because I found my SO hanging from the rafters. So i guess sad little bitch,.


Ok so let's talk about your shit

When I'm drunk, I like to talk
So lets' talk


Thjere's a lot. Not neccasraily big lif events, but just things missing. Like my parents loving and supporting me. I know it makes me sound like a faggot, but not hacing parents as a kid fucked me up. More recently, it has to do with my girlfriend dying. Lets call her T. I fell in love with her faster and harder than I ever have with nay other girl. I think that relationship taught me what love is. I thought I was in love with other elationships, but it wasn't like this. Everytning about her was perfect, but then one day it all ended. I didn't drive fast enough. I didn't react quick enough. I didn't get there fast enough. When I drove up, I thought she would've jumped. So when I didn't see her on the ground anywhere I thought she might be okay. But I saw her halfway up the stairs. I ran so fast and picked her up and united the noose. I thought I heard her say my name, but she was already long gone. I did compression for 11 minuts before 911 got there. I probabl broke 100 for the whole drive to the hospital. She iddn make it. She was my fuyture. I've been depressed for awhileso I never really saw my future. I never had ambitions or wnats. I never had memories that reminded me what was important in life. But she made all tha thappen. I was willing to get better and gain ambitions for her. I would give anything to be with her again,

Holy fuck I'm drunk

This is what missing someone sounds lkiuke



I guerss people aren't feeling the sadness tonight cause this thread is dead af

It's dead because only stupid people cut themselves

You think so?

>I feel bad NOW
>Better fuck up my WHOLE life

Most people don't even notice the scars nowadays

You fucking idiot
1. That's not deep enough to do anything real
2. Stop wasting your blood, donate it if you don't want it, people die cus they don't get it
3. Stop being a cringy edgelord selfharming fag, grow up

Of course they notice

There's a difference between noticing and saying something

1. It's not supposed to kill me. It's just supposed to bleed
2. Blood comes back
3. I did. I haven't cut in years

They don't notice for awhile. When they do, their surpirise is apparnet.


This is no place to get better. If you're here, you're only trying to make things worse. Either kill yourself or get some real help

I am getting help user.

>I'm drunk as fuck. I have depression, PTSD, and BPD.
Is this who you want to be?

Yo OP, what do you think about this video?


No, but at this point it seems accurate to who I am

Why does this exist

They made a black person version of the commercial, what are you, racist?

This sucks man, so many people like me being depressive as fuck, what a fucking time to live m8s

have you ever been to a psych ward?