>You feel it too, don't you?!
You feel it too, don't you?!
Other urls found in this thread:
>create an only-white club in the middle of fucking Africa
>wonder what went wrong
they had blacks in their ranks
Uncles Tom
>treat non-neanderthal blood non ice age survivors as tthe same speices
>wonder what went wrong
>tfw all my family comes from Rhodesia and Mozambique
What the fuck is this meme and why do you keep saying it?
Mexico cheering up for that shit. Verguenza te deberia dar animal
>Having shit day
>Rhodesia thread pops up
There is a God.
Also do you guys have any sort of memorials to the guys who died in your Bush Wars?
In hindsight, they probably didn't mind the service considering what happened in Zimbabwe. In all seriousness though loyalty varied in the Rhodesian African Rifles and other branches, though some hardasses stuck to the Selous Scouts until the very end.
I actually met an old lady at work the other week, asked her what kind of accent she has and she said she was from Zimbabwe
I said, bet that was called Rhodesia in your day and she gave me a big smile and said 'Southern Rhodesia'
Actually met a former Rhodesian who worked at my high school. She was only 6 or so when her family had to flee. Always assumed she was English, but the accent seemed slightly off.
The idea of Rhodesia seems great, but in reality, there would have been a shit ton of niggers and the country was in a constant war and surrounded by commies.
There are quite a lot of memorials regarding our colonial war but nothing relating to Rhodesia (that I know of)
Fuck off, let me in enjoy the nostalgia!
Nah but for the most part you're right. I think the initial reasoning behind the Rhodesian Front rejecting minority rule and deciding to go for UDI was sound (attempting to educate the black populace while removing commie), but in the long run unfeasible. The transitional government of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia that lasted about a year seemed to me the most optimal solution, but ZANU and ZAPU of course cried foul. Then Mugabe rigged the elections, and the rest is history.
Interesting. The question was more directed to your own bush war rather than Rhodesia's, for the most part Rhodesia and Portugal only did a few joint ops to my knowledge.
So is Rhodesia ever mentioned in your school's textbooks? Didn't hear about it even once in mine.
Well that's interesting, how many whites are left in Zimbabwe?
like 50,000
but if you went to a private school in harare you would still find a lot of white kids
So do they have some gated community stuff like SA going on? Can't imagine being any of the remaining white farmers.
no it isn't really like that, there isn't really the mob/rape culture that they have going on in SA. whites in zim are kind of left to their own devices, as there's so few left of them anyway and even then lots of them are very old and frail
Well that's nice, and sad at the same time. Is the country safe to visit?
yeah, harare is a much better and safer place for a white Westerner than somewhere like Johannesburg, and better night out to boot. still plenty of pretty girls in zim
Biafra>>>>gay white fags in high shorts.
Going to have to check that out someday. Only ever met one Zimbabwean irl, she was a grad student at my uni. The way she tells it, things aren't exactly going very well for the country. Hell her father fought for ZANLA and even she thinks that Mugabe's off his rocker.
Hey man, I respect both. Though I will say that the Biafrans had it much harder.
Eh, Rhodie buzz is kinda wearing off.
>you will NEVER be this operator
What a time it was, friend.
will amir be elite?
took me a second to realize that man painted his face lmao
The Selous Scouts would use blackface to fool Guerrillas at a distance.
And evidently, the tactic was rather successful.
hey money is money.
Like considering how shitty the job market was for Blacks being a soldier grunt is one of the few paying things one can do.