Why do Americans view free healthcare as an evil thing that Soviets invented to dominate the world?

Why do Americans view free healthcare as an evil thing that Soviets invented to dominate the world?

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because americans have no solidarity among americans or even members of their own class

americans believe other americans are the means to their happiness so things like tax derived benefits conflict with their inner being

Because in capitalism everyone expects to suceed against all odds. And as imaginary rich members of Forbe's list, they hate taxes.

By the way, how many of Costa Ricans want to be part of Spain again? Our country is ruined but I'm asking for the lulz.

Implementing any element of socialism leads to more socialism. It's important to measure to what degree of socialism is both good for your people and minimizes the effect of government intervention so as to not interfere with the market.

There's also a question as to what scope is necessary. I don't think anyone would really complain about a state-wide single-payer healthcare system. If I recall, one state had already done that. It works because the people who pay taxes in one state are similar enough to each other to not raise too many eyebrows.
Asking a guy from Ohio to pay for the healthcare of someone from California would be crossing the line. What if the guy from Ohio doesn't want to pay for some inner-city rat's healthcare, who is a degenerate and pays no taxes?

tl;dr nation-wide socialist plans ALWAYS fail, state-wide socialist plans usually succeed.

We have it here, don't believe the propaganda it's fucking awful. Waiting in a hospital bed for 18 hours to see a doctor, reusing bedsheets and milk bottles being used as IV drips.

Americans pay the same amount of money for health care + pension systems than I do.

It's just privatized, so it's not automatically paid by taxes in America. Dental care is even cheaper in America than here.

>they hate taxes
thats until someone goes "we need more soldiers" and everyone nods despite having whats already the most expensive army in the world (600 billion pear year and growing)
"they be protecting ur freedoms"

An example of why people prefer private over public anything.
The government is a miracle of bureaucracy. Where private companies have lots of accountants, middle managers, and other bureaucrats to prevent the embezzling of funds, they can cut the fat when they realize that it's too difficult to get anything done.

You try to fire a government employee and it just doesn't work. Instead of getting rid of their useless desk jockeys, they sort of just accumulate, and this shows up on the bill.

By my experience, good luck finding health insurance if you already have a chronic disease. That's why public health systems are a must.

Or forcing the companies to accept sick patients, but that looks even more communist-like

I do agree that governments need some sort of internal inspection to get rid of certain useless bad behaved employees. But getting rid of corruption is the voter's task.

It has less to do with "defending our freedoms" and more to do with "making sure I have a well-paying job".


really consider this though

or paying a private insurance if you're poor and/or unemployed

A classic one, yes

In Spain they still do decently enough given how many fund cuts have suffered


They prefer to pay for army because Americans love to kill.

Nothing is "free" and taxation is an inherent evil, Statist scumbag.

>americans believe other americans are the means to their happiness so things like tax derived benefits conflict with their inner being
Taxation is malum in se and is the Government robbing the free people of the United States to pay for things the people do not want, and thus conflicts with the very reason this country was founded*

Despite being the land of the free, nothing is free topkek. Privatized everything means no social safety nets and everything for profit because muh capitalism. Good for corporations, but awful for the average citizen. Not much better on the other side, but at least there's more of a support system that somewhat works. I don't like being Jewed out of my bank account for using a fucking box of tissues at an American hospital.

It'd lose big business profits, and big business pulls the strings on the "two party" farce we have going on. Really, neither side has any investment in anything but temporizing any real change indefinitely so they can retire to swim in their pool of lobbyist "gifts," having gotten theirs, common man be damned.

Because nobody should pay for others because of their weak genetics

what does it matter now anyway?
obama put his foot in the door and free healthcare cant even be removed by the reps because too many voters rely on it and the moment you remove it you sacrifice the next election.

You're incorrect. No state has a state-wide single payer healthcare system and none will. Vermont (perhaps the most uniform state, with a decent median wage, little ethnic diversity, and no large cities) tried and failed. The issue with statewide systems is that you can't have a welfare state without strong control over your borders. They were unable to implement single payer healthcare because it would be too costly, driving away businesses and people with high incomes and attracting people with little to contribute and high healthcare bills. In the US, states cant control their migration so this cannot be mitigated. If people don't like the policies of a certain state, they'll move to another and take their business and money with them. If they think another state is going to hand them out a bunch of benefits they'll move there and use the system to its fullest.

Even without implementing single payer healthcare, business has been driven away from the northeast to the South, which offers lots of aid to companies and the lowest minimum wage, regulation, and worker protections possible in the US. It's practically a free market for state governments, all of them competing to attract businesses and wealth or suffering the consequences.

Single payer isn't the same as government run healthcare. No reasonable government since the 40s has advocated nationalization of major industries. In the US, people would be able to choose their providers and providers would operate independently from the government. From what I understand Germany's healthcare operates on this model. This, combined with contribution for care (to allow price signals to direct patients to more efficient hospitals) and greater price transparency could fix the health care system in the US. Insurance companies are leeches, especially when you're "insuring" something you're guaranteed to need.

More tax for more jobs?
But public healthcare or other projects that directly benefit citizens can generate jobs too right?

Trump campaigned on removing obamacare, but also on replacing it with something that would premiums, lower costs, and cover everyone. This is what Americans want, not what was in the Republican bill, and not a repeal of Obamacare without a plan that would actually fulfill his promises. The Republicans are incapable of creating such a plan while sticking to their principles and they've never had any idea what to do about healthcare. So they would repeal it and throw the people currently on obamacare to the wolves.

>posting a video from Vox about the F-35
Didn't even press play, they are just going to repeat instances of normal issues that occur during the development of any extremely complex machine and act like the sky is falling and quote Pierre Sprey. These problems occur during any rollout of a new plane (the F-16 was called a disaster). The unit price is falling and will continue to fall as more planes are built and delivered. Much of the up front cost of a plane is in the development. For example, a few months ago the president declared he "negotiated" 600m off the cost of the F-35 program, but that was just normal decreasing costs. The more widespread adoption of the plane is, the lower costs are for everyone. It's currently the best and only respectable option for a first world nation's airforce. Buy our shit.

That said, the MIC is ludicrously wasteful and won't become more efficient until their funding gets cut.

>Americans pay the same amount of money for health care + pension systems than I do.
If only.