No black people

>no black people
how did they get away with this?

with seventeen oscars

Relax, there were enough Maoris as the Uruk-Hai to fulfill the minority quota.

implying sauron wasnt a nigger

orcs are blacks

he was a black numenorian, does that count?

If this movie was made today who would be the token black character? Maybe black Gandalf? Morgan Freeman?

Chris Tucker.

there were those sand niggers if they count

idris elba as frodo

it's a fantasy

funny thing is some of them were white

they must have been a really multicultural society

Because a large part of it began in the late 90s. The 90s being a time you could get away with it. When art was art and not compromised by politics.

If LOTR was made today there would be zero white men. Or maybe Sauron could be a white male, maybe.

It would be mostly female cast and all males would be black with one token Asian and one token Latino.

>black man
>coming off as some weak manlet begging his bff for help all the time
He was obviously gonna play Aragorn

in the books they are supposed to be full blown niggers

I can't really remember the books mentioning niggers at all.

>"fucking niggers" said gandalf, (page 148)

Those are great costume designs, honestly.


>"thats sum real nigga shit" exclaimed gimli (page 222)

they are supposed to be black in the books. black because they have been corrupted by the forces of evil.

yeah, fucking extras that were in like two scenes got better costumes than anything in the Hobbit movies

>how did they get away with this?
They released their movie before 2008.