Can we get a terrible SS meme thread?

Can we get a terrible SS meme thread?


Fuck you

god, i hate how bad stupid people are at comedy. like the joke would be shit either way, but it would be so much less clunky if they'd gone with kartrashian instead of kartrashcan

What the fuck does this even mean

Pls don't fuel this fire. Let it die.

is this satire?

When will people respect the movie?

memes have gone too far

It's kind of a packaging problem as well, though. I feel like reddit and facebook's repackaging of Sup Forums/misc/2ch/etc memes has reduced any creativity to a picture with white text over it and some pop culture reference. It made it easy to for unfunny people to churn out shit.

Not SS but still a shitty meme

How often can that possibly happen? By all accounts it was a pretty mediocre film. Fangirls will fangirl anything these days.

I found an IG of some ugly dyke obsessed with the movie and that character

I couldn't see any film 5 times in one day without feeling like a life failure. I'm a roonfag who saw Dragon Tattoo 6 times in the theatres but it was spread over two weeks. I guess I understand the impetus, but 5 times in one day. What the fuck.

Be an abused and easily manipulated woman? Do these people even know who Harley is?

I hate that Harley has literally NOTHING to do with the fucking Kardashians, yet people share this shit like they're polar opposites. Hell, "In a world of Jokers Be a Batman" would have made WAY more sense.

This one too, but this is just a play off of Eleven's name.

At least the examples I've provided were jokes, and made any sort of sense in context.

The Kardashians are a meme themselves. It's a stand-in for the kind of superficial trashy people that make edgy special snowflake teens mad. They don't need to make sense. The Kardashians are just on their mind.

kardashian = ethnic, hip hop sluts

harley = white, punk slut

It's a take on that one song, chorus is like "Started from the bottom now we here/started from the bottom now the whole team's fuckin' here"

What that has to do with Harley and Joker is fucking beyond me.

That makes sense, I guess.

That's kinda racist but also makes sense.

But white punk sluts are hot...