/cum/ Canada US Mexico

cherry edition

Other urls found in this thread:


boy you stupid


No autumn, Yes Spring

kurva anyád

can u translate this senpai




>giving a shit about hickstick


whom shall be my e-boyfriend (male)?

OK computer is the best radiohead tbhfam
I like the sports

Actually it is In Rainbows.

ask austrailia

I prefer Kid A

)I think worst korea likes you(


cyka blyat

Why tf are people pretending to be outraged by this?
I mean the commercial is gay as shit but chill the fuck out with your racism trashtalk


another lonely night spent regretting my decisions


because click bait drama sells papers

hey, me too!

guys, ive spent the last month away from you...and i have to say you have only been missed about 25%. but i couldnt sleep tonight (usual problems) so here i am again

u up?
it is RNH

fug it, move on

Why is /cum/ so comfy?

Because it's raining hellfire

Because North Americans are comfy people. Feel free to hang out in /cum/ more often buddy!


Care for a burger bud? You seem a little hungary.

pls go away

I have nowhere else to go, for I am at my limit's end.

How can i trace a private number that called me an hour ago without getting law enforcement involved?

Are you also looking for things that are legal?

All i need to know is the number, since it's private.

Noone called you loser.

Don't talk to him like you know him

Go stalk someone else faggot.

How can i trace a rude post on an anime website that replied to me two minutes ago without getting law enforcement involved?

Fresno california

ya little bitch

What is your zodiac sign

take a hike and lose the love handles

Then I'll get 5150'd again.

Just accidentally smoked the wrong side of a cigarette. I feel like a complete doofus.

let's turn the oops sorry user into a meme

oops, i did it again!

You're a fucking retard for smoking in the first place

Maybe I want to die. Have you ever thought about that? No, because all you think about is me me me me me.

>me me me me me.

What did he mean by this ?


>50 minutes delay
Reee I was ready 2 board you faggetz

been playing with block-stacking eggies for the past couple of hours

German airports:
Tiny drinking fountains, far and few. Need to walk like 5 minutes to get to one
No free wifi or entertainment shit

Chinese airports:
Water dispensers every 20m with variable heat settings
Free wifi everywhere
Cute Chinese cashiers (entertainment)

Why is Asia so much better

talk to the hand

good morning fuckers

it's not morning yet. what's your deal

on best coast it is

a FUCKING leaf

>Air Canada Maple Lounge
The memes just write itself amirite haha

be mean to hans again and i will sort you out good and proper, sunshine

Uhm... Who is he again?
Oh right, he's tat creepy german footfag

fist... just ignore him, sweetie

ah yes
the ol' 'zure


I broadcast terrestrial waves to peel off the skin of my phimosis

don't tell me what to do

>El americano
What did they mean by this

Are you on an airplane what le fug is that

probably had the ol' 'zure in my sleep earlier

What's the ol'zure?


>its an alberta-kun threatens to kill himself but is really too much of a bitch to do it



Bored af pham

Whoa, maldives


mornin' cumbums

Pineapples belong on pizza

never post this again


I love donald trump

*suplexes you*

need a completely devoted to her man gf

>ends class early
didn't happen
professors get fucked for doing that

*kills all the good gfs*
Oops sorry

>talking to friend (girl)
>"Hey user, once you have your own place your potential bachelor status will shoot up ;;;;))"
>"Yeah. But isn't that sad in a way?"
>"What, no..."
>"That it's more about what I own"
>"uhh well uhhh..."

I know that's just the way it is but it's disappointing.

*has a noticeably growing bulge as soon as he sees the dane*

>he still has the misconception that women are people

people are shit
only care about yourself

Very much agreed

pineapple burns my mouth

Me too
Still good though
I'm allergic to bananas but I still eat them. You know how people like to go on about how perfectly suited the banana is for the human and therefore there's either a god or a natural symmetry and balance to all things? I think it just means that god or nature hates me.

>it's unreasonable for women to want a financially stable partner and provider
Listen for most of history Love was a secondary thing that came after marriage and marriage was all about the transfer of wealth and property, stop being a fag

Yeah and saving yourself for marriage was also a thing in that time. Casual sex wasn't normal like it is now. Stop being a cuck and making stupid arguments.

yeah i bet ur not allergic to this
*unzips pants*

how do i get past the anti-ad blocker sites run

why should he care what the woman wants? if the woman can act in her self interest by looking for a rich husband, he can act in his by scorning women for doing so.

There isnt an argument here, it's just pathetic that he thinks a girl should randomly fall in love with him for no reason

Sure but he doesnt have to be a pouty bitch about it

>for no reason
>being such a subhuman that you can't even comprehend people liking each other for their personality