What does Sup Forums think of Naked Attraction?
What does Sup Forums think of Naked Attraction?
Fuck off normie
can the host get naked
the blacks got voted off early since this isn't the US of Cucks
she's kind of hot but she looks way over 45
>two black contestants left with white women
It makes me feel insecure about the size of penis when it's flaccid.
the choosers have to leave with someone, and neither of them even got second dates
whatever you say, champ
the only black I saw get voted off early was by a lesbian who ended up picking a fat chick
Me too. I've also noticed how they only have guys with nice bodies on the show while having a more "natural" mix of women, i.e fat, skinny, normal etc.
dude all the blacks that have been voted off. the only one's who got dates were the one's who were choosers and neither of the girls were interested in a second date.
whatever you say, champ
>only have guys with nice bodies
Skip to 47:00 m8
What do you expect? It's Channel 4.
>degenerates with tattoos
>average or below average bodies
There. You don't have to watch this shit anymore.
This here.
I'm no Jontavious from Blacked.com but I always thought I was alright.
I didn't know dicks were supposed to be big when flaccid.
you mean what objectively happened? not even sluts that get naked on tv want nigger dick it seems.
When are we having another play along thread?
I've only ever received compliments about my penis so I don't know why I feel this way.
Dicks vary in size whilst flaccid and the amount that changes after erection varies too, hence the term "grower not a shower". Person A might have a larger penis than person B whilst flaccid but the opposite might be true when erect.
If I was on this show I'd just hope the studio is warm, my flaccid penis shrinks even more in the cold.
blacks are not date material, they are ONS material
>watching one episode
>there is an okay looking girl
>she chose another woman
>British """""men"""""
keep telling yourself that.
ive seen one black guy turned away and thats because his appendage was too large
The black guy from last week fucked up by going with the creepy narcissist bitch. He did a great job of eliminating the uggos but picked a weirdo right at the final hurdle. The runner up girl was just as cute as the winner.
its on channel 4 not BBC
whats an fwb?
fuck off you cheese eating surrender monkey
>whats an fwb?
someone you fuck for fuck's sake
Yeah, there's some questionable decisions
>getting rid of the qt in the bottom right
poor choice, he should've got rid of the bimbo in the top right
women do not want BBC as dates. BBC everyday is a drag, like having a ferrari each day: not practical. BBC remains exotic and are adequate for a fun night from time to time in order to escape the rut with the dull SWC in bed.
i still dont get it
friends with benefits
livestream fucking when
christ i hate this island, look at those inbred mongs, and they have the gaul to think they are top class too
>over 70% of women said they didn't want to date a muscly male
Women always do shit like this. They also claim to not care about penis size. Why are they so deceptive? Why not just admit it? They already show how shallow and demanding they are in their dating profiles anyway.
They say that cause they are naked and their body pales in comparison to a muscular guy
He wasn't talking about that bbc
I still don't understand. What did you mean by this?
cuck pls go and stay go
Literal degeneracy.
It's like the fall of rome concentrated into one single television show.
how much benefits? should i apply for this?
>naked bodies
>inb4 the women are allowed to makeup
sure thing you anime fapping neckbeard
in that same episode towards the end the women has a choice between a muscly guy and an average guy and she chose the guy with muscles. Fucking women.
At least she didn't get BLACKED
They are
They literally always pick the guy with the biggest dick.
I didn't notice the muscle difference only that she chose the uncut guy.
>whats an fwb?
You have to be 18+ to use this site.
Pure fucking degeneracy. I hope anyone who partakes in this show comes down with terrible diseases.
they're called fuck bunnys where im from