Why do people complain about the new J.J Trek
movies and say they ruined the series?
Have you forgotten that most of the Trek movies are pretty average to terrible at best.
Why do people complain about the new J.J Trek
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Yes, I agree, even the best of the movies are not even comparable to an average episode. I don't know why people care about the movies so much.
All of the original cast films are good except Final Frontier. All of the TNG films are shit, as are all of the reboot films
The old movies were "extras". The old show was the centre of the Star Trek universe, and the movies came along after.
The new movies introduced a new generation to Trek, and it introduced them to Trek as a trashy Abrams action flick.
the old star trek movies were star trek movies
the new star trek movies are star wars movies
Not surprising, considering that Abrams is a big Star Wars fan but apparently doesn't care much for Star Trek. I'm pretty sure he even admitted that he had never watched TOS until AFTER he agreed to direct Star Trek '09. And I don't think he even liked what he saw
Abrams didn't seem to like star wars that much either, going by TFA.
So what, Nicholas Meyer had never watched it before either he made Wrath of Khan. A good filmmaker is a good filmmaker. Believing you need someone who watched it as a kid or was already a big fan is such a childish and naive thing to think. Roberto Orci is a big TOS fan but it doesn't matter because he's shitty writer.
wrath of khan was based on a rather cut and dry star trek episode and khan's storyline is basic (successful warlord in the genetics wars, ended up losing and exiled in a cryoship with the rest of the augments).
the first star trek movie was supposed to be based on the complex federation/romulan relations established throughout various star trek shows. instead we get generic romulans who are basically klingons for some reason.
>Khan 'remembers' Chekov even though he wasn't ion the Enterprise at the time
Stopped watching there. Movies are utter trash,
I'd rather watch FF than any of JewJew's NuTrek
No wrath of Khan is based on half a dozen rejected scripts that Meyer rewrote and compiled in under 2 weeks. The guy saved the franchise.
I'm not saying it is necessary, but certainly a plus. It's one thing to direct what is basically a long episode like Meyer did, but Abrams is rebooting the series. I think that should require some knowledge of and affection for the source material.
But yeah, Orci and Kurtzman are just plain retards. I'll never forgive them for ruining Xena
I mean the source material is simple in comparison to the source material of the alternate universe.
technically chekov was on the ship at the time khan was on the ship, so they could have bumped into each other. it is pretty much a plot hole though.
>>Khan 'remembers' Chekov even though he wasn't ion the Enterprise at the time
That one is kind of vague. The actor didn't join until the second season but that doesn't necessarily mean his character wasn't on the ship at the time as a "redshirt" who worked on a different shift.
2-4 and 6 are great. Not just great Trek movies, but great movies in general.
1 is alright.
5 is mediocre.
The only meme Trek film that isn't shit is First Contact. Generations, Insurrection, and Nemesis are all pretty fucking terrible.
TMP is the best one though.
Here's your reminder of how much a colossal faggot you are.
The problem with J.J.'s Trek is that he ruined the trifecta of characters that made the series great.
Kirk was level headed and intelligent but willing to take risks, Spock was the the logic and reason, and McCoy acted as their conscious and was concerned with morality.
J.J. clearly didn't see this and made Kirk an enraged hotheaded asshole, Spoke an enraged egotistical asshole, and pushed McCoy out of the picture almost entirely. He just forgot that these characters complimented each other.
J.J.'s Trek forgot who these characters were and why it was important and so by default they suck.
>Why do people complain about the new J.J Trek
>movies and say they ruined the series?
Those have very little in common with actual trek. Those are cargocult version of trek. Trek imitated by stone age savage.
>He just forgot that these characters complimented each other
he didn't forget, he had no idea in the first place. He doesn't even like Star Trek
>The problem with J.J.'s Trek is that he ruined the trifecta of characters that made the series great.
>J.J.'s Trek forgot who these characters were and why it was important and so by default they suck.
Jar Jar never understood anything about Trek. Only thing common his movies have are bunch of catch phrases that became mainstream popculture from Trek and some visual elements like uniforms and ship designs.