Will this absolute madman ever break character?


aah ... aaah ... aah

>30 seconds to mars
>videos actually 2:45

Imagine being forced to go to a 30 seconds to shit concert. Your gf wants to fuck Leto, and so you have to buy her tickets for date night. Imagine this skinny vegan faggot comes on stage and tells you he'll kill you. The 12 year old girls scream in excitement. It's going to be a long fucking night.

why the fuck didn't he just do that voice in the movie?
jesus christ
but seriously how can people not just shut the fuck up for 5 seconds
jesus FUCK

his laugh in the movie was atrocious

I don't even care what you Reddit kiddies say anymore. This is dedication to his art. And if you can't get that you need to FUCK OFF and GROW UP

How can drunk people not shut up at a concert?

find... ten

he was in the movie for five minutes

what's his problem?