This is a 10/10 in bongland

>this is a 10/10 in bongland
>this """woman"""" has an acting career


she fucked the right people

She looks like Evan Peters

Those eyebrows are disgusting. They look like they are rock solid

she looks like a live action helga pataki

10/10 in pictures

0/10 in videos

why is this


Her father is rich

Is that Grimes


paper towns was terrible and apparently that was her "breakout role"

so I have no clue, starting to think you guys are on point about feminism attempting to take over cinema

It's called nepotism.

Feminism has very little to do with her getting roles.

It's easier to airbrush a picture


Cara's androgynous, no doubt about that. If it ever came out that she was intersex or had a hormonal disorder, I'd believe it. But that androgyny is what I like about her.

>she has rich parents who have connections.

>she's a model whose main reason is to be observed.

>force her into movies because of the reasons above despite having no acting skills what so ever and a charisma of a potato..


Cara is C U T E

she isn't a 10 in bongland will you stop insisting the freaks of ours who, by the way, make it big in AMERICA for how they look, are somehow considered 10s here.

You guys consider her a 10
she's a 7 at best

Nepotism, you fucking idiot.


>This is a 10 in Canada/America

Absolute perfection

was the tattoo made in England or was she made in England???
so deep, can't understand

He's better looking.

we could have shaved her...


She is beautiful, but her body shape is pretty much fridge mode.