What is the movie version of Photograph by Nickelback?
What is the movie version of Photograph by Nickelback?
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>something everyone hates
>demands you look at it
As a Canadian, there is LITERALLY nothing wrong with Nickelback
man he was creepy in that movie
The Big Lebowski
There is no movie version, just the actual shitty lives of the people who listen to that music and make it the soundtrack of their lives.
>How you remind me
I think there's quite a lot right with Nickelback
Even She Keeps Me Up was funky and fun
Commander Deng must pilot the robot created by his son, Chief Deng.
Resident Evil franchise
>tfw actually like some Nickelback
Most of the hate is meme hate by people that have never listened to any of their music.
Also, Photograph really hits me hard as someone that moved far, far away from where they are originally from
This is not r/music you fat whores. Go away.
that movie with Ethan Hawke about being a transgender
What the hell is on Joey's head??
silver side up is a good cd desu
romen noodles.
Nickelback is music kino so BvS.
lol no no they are very terrible. Very bland. Their lyrics are not even that deep they just state the obvious. Nickleback is music for 2-D people.
Remember when Nickleback got pelted with rocks?
The Dark Knight
>somber and melancholy tone
>takes itself way too serious and thinks it's deep
>has that gritty 2000s feel
>both Christopher Nolan and Nickelback are talentless hacks
>dull gray cinematography, dull bland sounds
>loved by normies and middle school faggots
Photograph has a cool nostalgia feel about your life
>I found the photo of the prison I was looking for
What did he mean by this?
Seriously this song is fucking awesome!
I saw them live and they opened up with this song with a giant screen behind them playing these fast patterns.
They're really not terrible. Just bland like most top 40 music.
Who just tells someone what they like is terrible like that? What a cunt
Why is it that Canadians actually have some decent bands and yet all they ever want to talk about is Nickelback
Young women, fám
Fuck off Andre
The Notebook.
Their best album
How can you not like "Burn it to the ground"?
Their song SEX has a kickass heavy beat
Are they even around anymore? I haven't heard them in years.
I actually enjoy Hero and How You Remind Me. It makes me nostalgic for the early 2000s.
Alpha as fuck, Lizzie wanted his dick after that.
They did an Anti American government song btw
This, or Taken
Was Robin Williams based?
Nickelback sucks, but that kid is alright
>Sharing your opinion on "music"
Not sure about a movie, but a tv show equivalent could be Dawson's Creek; bland americana full of overwrought, yet facile, emotion
Is Crystal Castles the ony decent band that Canada has ever produced
honestly its a toss up between these two piece of shit kinokillers
Terrible shitty hipster music
Those guys that other guy mentioned are for fags, but Crystal Castles are great desu
>cool sounds
>based Ethan beating up Alice and not giving a fuck
>first two albums are god tier
Get some taste nerd. Crystal Castles are the greatest Canadian band of all time.
Wold is legit one of the best metal outfits going
And there's The Rita too
None of these gayass bands are on the same level as Crystal Castles
generic rock band
>Arcade Fire
Numale: the band
>Dark Horse
Literally ear kino.
Is the guy from Wold literally Sup Forums incarnate?
now there's a man who enjoys a good kinotorium
girl looks like she's being held hostage
CC is Suicide, but replace Rev's innovation and skill with a crack addict and his gameboy, and Vega's range and intensity with a homeless girl vomiting into a microphone.
CC was at its best when they were restraining themselves to singles here and there, which is what held up the first album, plus a HEALTH remix lol. Nothing else in their output compares, with II and III being pale reminders of how special that first collection of singles and demos were.
Now that they broke up, Ethan posts passive aggressive Tumblr posts, claiming he was the talent of the band, then hires Alice 2.0 named after himself, while Alice can't figure out how to open a DAW, but she don't need no man to make whatever that abomination of a single was. They both lost their spark at the same time, which indicates that neither were that great at creating music, just hacking together bits and pieces from more talented people to make something culturally hip at the time, but forgettable and embarrassing now.
>As a Canadian
stopped reading here
>I have good taste in music because it's the same as everyone else's
Fuck you Lizzie you wish you could gag on my cock
>Japandroids is Canadian
Huh never knew that
I'd assumed they were hipsters from somewhere like upstate New York
Oh boy I can't wait to hear them bitching about Iraq and -
>song's from 2014
OK I'm a little impressed, I thought all forms of civil protest died the day Chocolate Jesus took the throne.
Still better than any other Canadian band.
Arcade Fire is the gayest shit I have ever heard.
I agree with Lizzie but she is a faggot nonetheless
Yeah but so is Andre. What an embarrassing group of friends.
Arcade Fire took painfully earnest observations about love and loss, then proceeded to match those often used themes with both uniquely powered maximalist anthems and subdued introspective confessions. The true strength of Funeral, however, was the group being able to approach both methods of songwriting, and creating coherence between such divergent forces not only on the same album, but also sometimes within the same track. Funeral is a classic in both approach and execution.
Butler and co. then managed to continue innovating and experimenting with a variety of influences and styles over the years, while still maintaining consistency in their tone, and never adjusting what they wrote to fit into the cultural molds they themselves created and popularized with their first album.
CC had one good album composed of hastily scrabbled together demos and singles to fit a record contract, proceeded to plagiarize themselves for a couple more albums, then broke up and release individual singles from their respective projects that would've been ignored on Soundcloud if it wasn't for Ethan relying on brand recognition alone and Alice riding the wave of her bandmate being a dick to her on the internet.
The new "Crystal Castles" album is going to be a total mess and an embarrassment to their former achievement.
Nickelback is underrated
>what is GSY!BE
When did Nickelback make you change your mind about them?
>Crystal Castles
Post your Twilight fanfic from Livejournal
the amount of autisum in this post. go home leaf fag
tends to be mostly neckbeards tho.
Most of the hate is from people who know and appreciate good music. I've listened to plenty of Nickleback. I still hate them. Lazy, boring songs. Cliche, middle school lyrics. Learn an instrument, and you will see how terrible they really are.
You are an enormous fag with shit taste and you should go back to r/music
Daily reminder that ALVVAYS is the only decent canadian artist
Along with Carly Rae Jepsen
You're incapable of articulating why you think something's worthwhile and mask your shit taste by calling other people fags.
You'd fit in better in Youtube comment sections.
Carly is hands down the best waifupop artist out there
Almost mistook her as another Kpop slut there.