Why do Japs eat rice every day

Why do Japs eat rice every day

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Cultural thing and it's cheaper for them.
They love the aussie rice

confucian social reinforcement

they think they are westernized but rice and the consumption of rice with chopsticks in the little bowl is in its nature the an aspect of the foundational theme of confucian morality

To help remind them america is their greatest ally

Because rice is delicious and better than bread

>not soft and spongey
>can't just pick it up in your hand
>no convenient built in crust
>maybe 5 kinds of rice, ~1,000,000 kinds of bread
You're just incorrect.

why do Leaves take a weed everyday?

>maybe 5 kinds of rice
You're totally incorrect.

Excepting comparing rice to bread is retarded, because rice is more comparable to wheat.

Besides, you probably only eat like 3-7 different kinds of bread. Burger buns, white bread, bagels, pastries, what else?

Taste is subjective, however, rice is objectively healthier than 90% of bread.

bread cucks rice just like big strong american mens cuck asean small smens bread is the bigger rice and better

you can make rice from bread

rice in wheat terms is like wheat porridge

nips watch this chick?

i mean bread from rice

Just like big America army cucked tiny peasant geurillas in 'Nam amirite?

That flag

>meme leaf
some of her vids got over million views but viewers may be mostly non-Japanese
I watch funny vids only

There is nothing wrong with eating rice everyday, but what's fucked up is eating rice for breakfast.
Only retarded japs would do such a thing.

good post

retard Pedro san, 1 billion Chinese people have rice porridge for breakfast

why do white people eat bread



Hanayo is taht you?

I eat bread every day

Why are Asians so big on the rice vs. mantou deathmatch? Is it a north vs. south thing?

what do Canadians eat in everyday life? Americans?

staple diet chart :


>Normie tier

>Peasant tier

>Kys tier

Fuck you potato and rice are good. Go away

we eat rice and bread everyday
why do whites eat only bread?

>eating rice and fish for breakfast
Eww, how can you stomach this early in the morning ?
Pic related is the best breakfast you can get.

bread is better

because they are racist.

>i can't even pronounce brot without swallowing my tongue

breakfast : jam sandwich
lunch : udon
dinner : pizza

havent ate rice today tho

>dinner : pizza
Takashi how much do you weight?

t. i eat steamed potatoes every day like a good bland northerner

Isn't pizza absurdly expensive in Jepun?

What is witt that ahot comparison? Bread vs rice Wtf

Why do Canadians eat Tim Hortons every day?

because it's the healthiest carb

rice is africa tier

Put eggs in rice.
Mix and eat.

Bread has better macros and glycemic index. This is why your island is full of manlets and sucks at Olympics.

Doesn't Japan eat a lot of bread anyway.

>Not eating kimchi with every meal

it is as worse as Pizza. don't take this shit unless you want to die young

>not pictured: le cigarette

He could always prepare it himself.
Pizza is pretty easy to make and if the ingredients were hard to come by... he'd have bigger issues than not getting his pizza.

Why americans eat bullets every day?

I don't see how it could be, it's a dough base with tomato, cheese, and some vegetables/meat. You can get horrible cheap frozen ones at the supermarket and I'm sure Japan can too

No you have it wrong they smoke weed everyday

Lead is an important part of a good American's diet. It's why we are so big and strong.

also why we're so stupid

For the same reason that Westerners eat pastas every day.

Pronounce it Viet style, brết.