Is boogie is gearing up for an assassination attempt

Is boogie is gearing up for an assassination attempt

Maybe he could ask his wife's bull to pay for his healthcare. Or lose weight and get a job. I dunno, just spitballing.

>someone is going to have to subsidize my existence

i feel bad for people who have legitimate preexisting conditions, like cancer or other things. but this fat fuck literally ate himself to disease. he can fuck off and die already and quit fucking playing the victim. nobody forced you to shovel down thousands of pounds of doritos and mountain dew a year. fuck off boogie you fucking retard. i legitimately hope this fat retard fucking dies. worthless piece of shit.

>I ate myself to weight as a car
>Please pay for my healthcare

Yes, why should other people pay for somethings that you did yourself.. You can't blame anyone but yourself if your this fat.

From his wheelchair? That would be impressive.

>Please pay for my healthcare
he never said please. he's acting entitled to it, saying "somebody will have to pay"

he can fucking pay for it himself or fucking die. either way idc

Fat fuck doesn't have much longer anyway. Doesn't look like he's lost any noticeable for the whole time he HAS had healthcare.

Noticeable weight*

He has mental issues and literally can't help it.

I know stuff like that can be hard to understand but please at least look it up on google or something.

Mental illness sucks and to healthy people it can seem like the person is literally doing all those bad things on purpose.

>...last picture of the gun man before being taken down by police snipers

oh a-bloo bloo bloo
He first made his money by using his fat ass body to make screeching videogame neckbeard satire for everyone to laugh at. Now he wants to be taken seriously and have opinions about real world politics but he can't take off his fat neckbeard costume or shed the ridicule that he's earned over the years. I can't feel any sympathy for a spoiled youtube personality.

>Somebody is going to have to pay
Yeah... you. Thats how buying things works. YOU want or need something, YOU buy it. wtf is so hard about economics for people to understand???

Maybe that fat fuck shouldn't waste all his money on games and cards and stupid shit like that. Lol my phone autocorrected fat to gay

if he has mental issues that are serious enough than he CAN apply for government assistance. otherwise theyre probably not that serious. My uncle has bi-polar disorder and the government already pays him enough to get his medication even without insurance. Not like he spends the money on it because why should he when with that money he can get a fucking dime and a 24 pack of natty a week before the next check comes in. Social programs are great when you dont just take advantage of them which fucking 80% of people do.

I seriously dont understand how the government doesnt drug test for financial aid its bullshit they dont.

why do people keep posting this fake tweet? why are you so obsessed with a overweight very succesful (money wise & female wise) youtuber?

He's very inconsistent and I think it's to get views. Two nights ago he was streaming and said "I'll be fine no matter the decision on healthcare. I'm worried about YOU GUYS. I pay more into the system than any of you and take out less." Dude's either just dumb or is trying to make sure people pay attention to him. I like him too, this isn't be trying to hate on him or anything



He is only a fucking sociopath. He likes to eat and will do anything to keep on eating. That fat fucking cunt.

if he really had mental health issues, he wouldn't have this problem

if we're going to chalk it up to mental illness, then we can lock him up in a mental institution and cut off his youtube and twitter accounts. and we'll put him on a strict diet and get his morbidly obese faggot ass down to 200 lbs.

or he can just fuck off and die. we don't have to subsidize his existence because he pretends to have mental illness.

>a overweight


Alright spergs out your torches away, he's already spoken against this
This is shopped he never said it and further more he makes enough money where he is subsidizing others
Do ur research fags

this, these you tubers want to be treated like they are actual highly educated and respected individuals when in reality they act like jackasses.

He's going to throw empty lootcrates from this fat scooter