Why is suicide considered a bad thing, Sup Forums?

Why is suicide considered a bad thing, Sup Forums?

Because it's a permanent solution to a temporary problem and it costs you absolutely everything


Depends, by religious standards it's an unforgivable sin and a one way ticket to hell. By moral standards it's incredibly selfish and not fair to family/loved ones. By natures standards it goes against self preservation (a trait all life shares)

Take your pick.

becuse there is food enought to feet all nigras, wait it become a rule.

Unless of course the problem is disease that will slowly and painfully kill you. Just sayin'

By existential standards, dosen't really matter.

Because it's illegal to destroy government property.

Because, like abortion, and gay marriage, it lessens the effects of human population growth on the planet.

speaking of which
lets say you are under 24/7 suicide watch via cameras, whats the most painless, quickest suicide method for god tier pussies?
if I had balls it would be the hangmans nooze, but I dont.
my helium tank is gone for good and pc monitoring makes it impossible to order another one
help me Sup Forums they make of life a prison

My friend attempted suicide and got sepsis today. She's dead, I think.

Don't kill yourself because you feel you are worthless.

If you're a sick fuck doing evil shit, go ahead.

But if you're like
>I'll always be broke
>I'll never have xyz
>I'm never going to acheive xyz
Please don't kill yourself. It's not worth it.

The reason those around you view Suicide as a truly bad thing is because they themselves are selfish. I mean, so are you, but they are as well. People are so against Suicide for the pain it causes those who where close to the person who kills themselves. They don't wan to go through pain because of it, and so its seen as a bad thing in society. Honestly, in my opinion, if you want to An Hero, you shuld be allowed to, some people say it's a permanant solution to a temp problem, and those are the people who have never been suicidal OP.

death is easy, life is hard
youre telling me not to kill myself but not giving a reason

Well it's a good thing that the vast majority of suicides are because of disease!

Oh, wait they're not and you're stupider than a nigger's asshole

you came in with nothing, and you have to leave with nothing. There is no "cost"

The best reason not to? Because you're only given one life, yes it is hard but the fact that it's hard makes the good times so much better. People like to play these open world video games where you can go anywhere and do anything, You can do that all for real op (granted there are consequences for certain actions) but you only have one life and a whole world to explore and enjoy, live and do as much as you can while you can.

It's called citing ONE situation where suicide would be an acceptable choice...

Go play with your autism spinner kid, let the adults talk.

fuck off and let the grown ups talk faggot

helium tank is the best painless answer. if youre under watch there arent really any great painless options. Could you jump off a tall building? Maybe bring a toaster to the bath with you?

The reason I say that is because when someone is truly suicidal. Like they want to die, not them being attention whores, they don't feel like it ever will end. Someone telling them that it will end can actually make it ten times worse, and push them closer to the edge. The best way to help someone who is suicidal to calm down is to allow them to seek advice and help from those they trust, and give them the space to do it.

It selfish to take your life away.
youl do nothing but hurt close family members or friends and god knows what you will get once you die

Well, gee thanks for your contribution
all of Sup Forums is holding thier cocks with every word you utter
now go fuck yourself cockcheese

The first half pretty much sums up OP's question.

Oh please, only a child would think there's any inherent value to life. There is literally no point, and everyone has a right to die. It's selfish to tell someone to suffer.

when I was about to do it, I was hindered. its gone now. also when I go through with it and they try to stop it I either go back to the loony bin or be retarded for the rest of my life --maybe without even realizing it.
I cant jump from a building, I m too much of a puss-puss for that aswell

Why are you still talking to me child?

Hey op if you're anything like this kid then you should kys.

Thats a big part if the problem; I've done everything I want to in life. Why keep living when I've experienced all of my wildest dreams?

found the edgy 12 year old

who is to say there is only one life, maybe there is an infinite ocean of lives awaiting you


fun fact about life, there are no real solutions to your problems; even if you solve one, there will be another. life is an endless struggle from one problem to the other until you die


Fuck off Cancer, seriously, YOLO is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen.

I have 'Great problem solving skills' on my resume ;)

I'll bet you're a riot at parties

Because once in awhile life throws you a twist, something you never thought you wanted or needed. I'll use myself as an example, pretty much same boat, single selfish, didn't care, thought I'd seen done it all, one day meet a girl, never met anyone like her before, she accepted me for who/what I was, we had a beautiful daughter together and now my wife and little girl have me a reason to enjoy life again. I never wanted any of it but now that it happened I can't imagine life any other way.

as human being nothing will ever be enough. everything will only be temporary. everything comes with a price, nothing is for free


Let me tell you something.

A man killed himself.

His son git abuse and his daughter got raped and abused by her mother's family and the mother.

If he lived, that wouldn't have happened.

Because he killed himself like a bitch, I'm dating a fucking wreck/rape victim that will never be the same.

And she has tried to kill herself. So it continues.

My friend was a lesbian and was depressed. We fought and fell out. Now she's in a morgue somewhere, from suicide.

And you are so blind you say this.

Suicide affects more than one person.
No telling who's life you fuck up when you do it.

Put the exit bag down, fuck off into a therapy session or feel thread, smoke some weed.


>It's selfish to tell someone to suffer.
Unless its depression, in which the person has a mental illness that affects her judgement. Htese person have the right to recieve proper medical care


How is it selfish, it's their own life. Yeah, a lot of people commit suicide for wrong reasons like being bullied in school or whatever, but there's still people who do it for legitimate reasons, and it's their own right to do so. Asking people who are suffering or have nothing to live for to stick around so that you won't be sad is what's selfish, if people really cared that much they would try to help the person beforehand or accept their decision.

you bet boy, you bet.

Does this make sense to anyone? Cause I have no idea wtf this user is going on about.

> its not a bad thing
Its probably the most interesting thing that you could do with your life. End it.
Its always something. ..

Good point user, sorry, only one life in this form on this plane of existence.

anyway OP, after all this crazy talk, dont get the wrong idea, dont kill yourself. I m being told all life is precious

your life is as precious as the poor pig you ate on your bread for breakfast

Suffering is a choice. In a 1st world country you have no problems.

Unsolvable problems* I should say

Bu fucking hu, if u dont like the daugther. Just ditch her, its not ur fucking problem

Its selfish to fucking want someone to suffer, just to make themselves happy. If ur family/friends actually care bout u, they fucking understand this.

Thanks for the entertaining discussions, you're pretty neat dudes.