Who else hate these kind of girls?

Who else hate these kind of girls?

What do you hate about her?

by these do you mean fat? if so i agree. Lets hate on them

I hate it when they scream. Like fucking hell bitch It's only a van with a few blood marks jees.

>believes she is superior to others
>no regard for anyone but herself

am i rite

So sad to see a young fat girl.

you mean morally lax, loose sluts? oh yeah, hate 'em...


Says the social awkward retard who is scared to death of these girls?

She's pretty fucking hot tbh

>hates girls that drink

Confirmed FaGuT. Go find a trap thread, Bitch.

OP is probably a socially awkward nerd. These girls are fun to be around, only problem is that after 4 years of college and lots of keg stands, they tend to get fat.

I wouldn't mind getting drunk and having sloppy sex with her. What's wrong with that? You are aware that you don't need to marry every girl you talk to, right?

Party girl, likes to get fucked up... Whats not to love.. I think you may be a giant faggot

Some girl I like has the same body as her. Is it too fat?

ITT : insecure males who are angry at younger females having fun because they'll never be able to relate.

I do but mostly due to experience, girls that drink like this usually end up gaining the most weight and getting all gross and tubby. Hard to judge from one picture of course as people binge drink all the time.

Which is finer because you generally don't want to be around them after college, fat or not. 18-24 drinks a lot is fun, after that they're just a hassle.

project harder faggot

just go to better places they tend to not be let in or make a scene and get arrested if they show up.

Avoid shit hole beach bars, and dive bars.

depends, for a hippo she might be in shape