Who is your favourite tragic character?
Who is your favourite tragic character?
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wow he only he has half a face, that's so tragic
>wow he only he has half a face, that's so tragic
what's up Summer?
No matter how hard he tried, he was always destined to die in France
that wasn't really a tragic part of his character
I liked her before bex posting
Not sure if the character himself was tragic, more the situation he was in, Blackadder could probably have gotten out of it somehow but I guess the writers wanted to drive home the futility angle.
That happened to him before we meet him though, and other than as something people give him pity for it's not that big of a deal.
He's tragic because of everything that happens to him afterwards
He was one of my favorite characters in Boardwalk
I thought the scene where the hunters/hobos find him was powerful
There's also Sobotka, but I'd pick Chris over him regardless.
I stopped watching after they killed Jimmy and Nucky's wife burned (?) those certificates about Nucky buying a bunch of land or whatever
What happened to Richard afterwards
Omar was more of a tragic character
>killed by a literal who after enacting his revenge, despite being crippled
I fucking hated him
too bad they made him likeable by the time he died
I can't be the only one that felt Wild Bill was a tragic character.
Doomed to gamble for a living, to be constantly hunted by men who want to make a name for themselves, and to have to kill those men because you're the greatest gunfighter in the world. He didn't seem to enjoy it very much.
The whole show Went to shit when Jimmy died
And also Michael Pitt had to take up that fucking awful role in Hannibal
careful you might be called a jimmyfags by some faggots in this board
He shouldn't have been such a prick on set then.
This. His character arc in Deadwood, shortlived as it was, was tragic. Keith Carradine absolutely sold every second of screentime.
soemthing about his voice made him so likeable to me. i dont know why. i was sad when he ded
Eleven ;_;
She's had a hard life
Liking Jimmy doesn't make you a Jimmyfag. Thinking that he was the only good thing and that the show died with him is what makes you a Jimmyfag
Jimmy did nothing wrong. Buscemi a shit.
Really need to finish this series.
The only true answer
>piece of shit who got what he deserved
Pick one
okay, what is tragedy?
That one fuccboi from Peaky Blinders who joins and gets shanked in jail on day one.
Pic related definitely, but you could really pick anyone from this show.
Alright, imagine this:
You're the boss's favorite, he probably likes you better than fucking son, so you have the potential to be great. But for some fucked up reason you keep taking everything the wrong way, you always make it personal when the boss bitches about stuff, and you're always jealous of his relationship with others.
Driven mad by a destructive ambition you become a junkie, start fucking up jobs, constantly get conned by small timers, bring your girlfriend into all of the shit, let her become a snitch only to die when she's exposed, decide to start a clean slate, actually stop doing drugs, find some other woman, marry her (in other words, destroy her life forever), have a baby, and just when things look good, you fuck up again.
You fuck up so much that the boss finally stops giving a fuck about you, and in fact, becomes hostile towards you because you're a fucking disgrace, not just to yourself, but to himself as well. So he kills you, his "nephew", his second son. He kills you while you're helplessly stuck in your car after the car accident you've caused, the one that might have killed your baby if he was in the car. He kills you while Comfortably Numb is playing in the background; i.e. "the child is gone, the dream is gone"...
I don't know about you but I call this tragic as fuck.
>the child is gone
Make that "the child is grown"
I'm currently watching season 3. Richard is the most intriguing character so far
>He's tragic becau-
Oh you mean like having Tommy to take care of and a qt straight up offering to marry him just so he could gain custody?
Fuck the fuck off, Harrow was blessed
Tragic as in victim of bad writing. Show got boring when i realized the writers just go past the narrative appropriate end and go full bad end everytime. This and his wife were so obvious and lazy.
Whats tragic about him?
He made a living by ripping off drug dealers
He had it coming
>Tragic is when you pay the ultimate price for fuck-ups that you were completely responsible for
Lem is tragic, Bullet is tragic. Locke is tragic. Chris is not tragic. Well-written and gut-wrenching, not tragic.
The donkey.
Which one is tragic?
>even Dinklage's picture is tiny
Can't make this up
>And also Michael Pitt had to take up that fucking awful role in Hannibal
Michael Pitt was replaced for that 'awful role' on Hannibal by a better actor, and he got btfo. Pitt is a faggot
>that scene when he sees them about to embark on Dday.
He brought all of his problems on himself, but I can't help to feel sorry for him.
This, he should have been the guardian. Fuck you hurley
Well his main problem was that his wife had a child when he was away in the war which he couldn't really help.