What do Sup Forums?

What do Sup Forums?

If trips you drink it and post a proof with timestamp. Don't pussy out.
Dubs and you put it on next door's porch

You know what, just put it on next door's porch

dodged that bullet

Get a healthier diet.

throw it at a neighbours house

Freeze it

Pop it in the bin..

put in neighbor's mailbox

rolling for putting it on neighbor's doorstep

rollin for doorstep or mailbox, as you please

chug chug chug chug

Throw it at some feminists

roll for this with timestamp

Mix with hotsauce then freeze it

roll for mailbox

sneak it into a negress.
jews have indoctrinated them to never abort.
therefore: insure their offspring has atleast 50% redeeming DNA.

Pour it on your face take timestamp pic

Wrap the part you put your dick in around your neighbors door handle.

We all know you gonna guzzle that vim so just get it over with.

Into the trashcan, please

shove it in your butt, opened of course. jst leave it there it will come out when you have to shit