/balt/ + /ausnz/
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What edition is this?
I'm not allowed to tell you
my edition
Just came back from the psychiatrist,
pls let this be at least a decent quality thread
what kind of mental illness do you have?
get any decent prescription meds?
What was the verdict?
identical numbers edition
Next bus in 20 minutes lads
Ohhh you've made a mistake user.
Asociality and being morbidly afraid of women
Sadly she wants me to try yoga or some other shit like that to improve my mental wellbeing instead of meds
There's hope apparently
Do something funny. Like burn down that building
>morbidly afraid of women
what was her reaction when you told her that? what did she say?
What was the conversation like? Did they expect you to open up the batting about what you were feeling, or did they just ask you questions like they do in the movies? Also
>Sadly she wants me to try yoga or some other shit like that to improve my mental wellbeing instead of meds
>being morbidly afraid of women
Xd Please tell me you are just joking
She just looked at me and tried to be sympathetic I guess
She just let me talk about what came to my mind, sometimes she would push me into a certain direction like for example my love life or my parents
Then sometimes she would make comments and suggestions what I should do
Fuck me its already thursday
Yes, another week of your life gone to waste.
>Then sometimes she would make comments and suggestions what I should do
did she tell you to "just be yourself?" what suggestions did she give besides yoga?
Meh. Im not complaining
Things like what I should say to my parents if they accuse me of being a failure, how to not get as nervous around other people and things like that. It wasn't so unhelpful 2bh
Who is that autist in the other thread spamming kranklis images?
Ur mum rofl
Nice doggos.
Laying in bed with a blanket on. Who else is comfy here ?
cunts, i bet they wouldnt do that if their grandpa wouldnt had died in gulags
Typical nigger subhumans
Not /comfy/ at all, I can feel a shit coming on.
appreciate my doggo mems
Hmmm what were you doing there? Went for a walk?
Ask an Aussie who unironically went to Latvia (and some other parts of Europe) a few months ago anything
pic is from Riga
Was laying in comfy bed for too long. Need to get out and make some breakfast xd
what was the absolutely best thing in Latvia while you were there?
Nah I was waiting for a bus
Why, you know that place?
And some shithole I got lost in, probably Lithuania
The language is top tier, I don't think foreigners can truly understand how great it is just by reading Sup Forums shitposts. Riga itself is incredibly beautiful
>what I should say to my parents if they accuse me of being a failure
>how to not get as nervous around other people
do elaborate on both pls
Are they really as tall as they make out on here?
What did you think of the snow and the cold?
Did you see Mikoto?
Pcutre looks like a scene from a zombie movie. Cant say I dont like it.
you mean the language sounds beautifully?
Yeah of course. There's a massive park nearby. Also NVSPL.
Estonian Orthodox cemetery full of dead Russian immigrants
Yes but all Baltic languages are really nice
Just hang tight I'll come pick you up with my car. Be there in 10 min.
Once, a long time ago, Prussians were baltic :/
I'm in a bus already my pham but thanks anyway
Yes they are usually pretty tall
Snow gets old quickly when it's everywhere and just becomes part of the background
Me, under the blankets nice and cozy
>be mikoto
>be beautiful and intelligent
GREAT post
cute jpg
I want the next season of HWNDU to start.
I keep checking the live stream link daily.
I googled it but nothing meaningful came up, whats i Hwndu
I hope it's in Lapland like people have been suggesting, that would be god-tier
still free
haha i love dog memes
ye they're pretty cute i like them as well
they hit two places at the same time, your cuteness satisfaction and funny satisfaction
very true
you almost got quadruple digits as well
Girl (male)
still would 2bh
>ywn pinch her nose and cheeks
why even live
fly to turkey and reap her(him)
she flat as a board, useless woman how is she gonna be able to raise healthy children?!
*bunks internally*
>flat as a board
that's hot though
pick 1
Pick this one.
its a girl, antanai.
might be hot, but she is fundamentally useless as a baby factory, if you dont value that, well - more power to you
wtf you stood me up you bitch
wrong choice
>flat women can't have healthy children
>women can have children
>i'm autistic
>implying flat women can have healthy children
titty milk is very important user
>woman can do (something)
ughh.. just stop right there, I already know you're wrong.
They can screw things up Heeyyoooo
having children is about the only thing women can do.
but also about the only thing you can't do
bink is bunk binkas'd
binkas bunkis binkus
binkisis bunkisis binkasis
isnt it?
forgot to tell you all that for me it's cofe time
no offence but you are schizophrenic right?