Why is Fincher wasting his time developing TV series when he's one of the only good directors in Hollywood that can get...

Why is Fincher wasting his time developing TV series when he's one of the only good directors in Hollywood that can get a budget and final cut?

It makes me sad.

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Because television has surpassed film as an artform, and everyone but acne-ridden, virgin-laden cinephiles has realized this.

>he's doing world war z 2
is this a joke?

Because the feature film is pretty much dead, user. Anyone who actually gives a shit about storytelling is migrating to television. The miniseries/limited series format is the future.

he's "in talks" according to Brad Pitt, which probably means he just pitched it to him.

More freedom

Mindhunters get hype

> An agent in the FBI's Elite Serial Crime Unit tracks down serial killers and rapists.
so, another shitty procedural show?

Being laden by virgins wouldn't be so bad

All the good writing is in television, people are abandoning movies in droves

>he's one of the only good directors in Hollywood

Funniest thing i've read on Sup Forums all day.