Why are some "people" triggered by the EU firearms directive?
Civilians shouldn't own guns unless it's for hunting.
Move to America if you want to experience daily school shootings.
Why are some "people" triggered by the EU firearms directive?
Civilians shouldn't own guns unless it's for hunting.
Move to America if you want to experience daily school shootings.
Stay in europe if you want to get hit by a truck.
Balkans don't count as Europe. You're savages and Turkey's backyard.
>implying europeans with guns shoot up school
it's usa's fault. it's an anglo thing, look at knifes in the uk
We had school shootings in germany too, years ago.
I blame the eternal anglos influence.
Except having guns freely available would definitely increase crime. Every gypsy would be robbing stores with a gun in hand.
We outlawed swords. Guns were never legal here. Now we have daily school knife attacks. We should have outlawed mental illness.
but then every store would have security and it would help unemployment
>implying I couldn't get a gun if I wanted
Rifles are a bit more complicated, but getting a handgun is easy.
This must be bait.
Our unemployment is already on the low.
What year are you living in?
NO TO GUNS unless you are a licensed hunter.
In america you have street shooting,drive by shootings,school shootings,home disputes involving shootings.
Fuck if i will support a law that will give a gun to my drunkard neighbor.
Fuck if i will support a law that will give a gun to my stupid neighbor that tried to steal the metal door at my village house.
Yes to guns. Armed citizenry is the biggest fear of the scum in government.
Fuck off mehemet
Thank fuck we are leaving
It's the niggers
And anyway gypsys are the same I have no doubt they would shoot schools up if you gave guns to everyone
Opposite here desu rifle is easy pistol is hard
I dunno lad. But maybe you should shoot your neighbour
Its my biggest fear too. Fuck every possible retard being allowed to have a gun. They're not going to use it against da gubbamint, they let their kids use it to shoot up their classmates, rob places or shoot themselves. Fuck that shit.
The ease of getting a gun in germany is already enough, need harsher controls and punishments for their misuse but definitly not for posession and buying to be easier.
And go to prison for killing a drunkard?
Spend money on lawyers and court fees?
I personally call the police.It is their job and it costs me nothing.Only retards think that drowning the population in guns is a good thing.
Yes i think that you are a retard.
>They're not going to use it against da gubbamint, they let their kids use it to shoot up their classmates, rob places or shoot themselves.
Nobody does that shit except subhumans in latino favelas.
Cause its just pushing more bureaucracy on it. And we already have enough of that. I'm a regular sports shooter and I had to do a psych test, medical test and a weapons handling course to prove I am capable of being trusted with firearms.
I hate this directive simply because it is going to lessen the variety of firearms I can shoot with and hinder people who shoot IPSC.
They did absolutely nothing with this directive to stop gun violent crimes in the EU. The weapons will continue to be smuggled in and sold on the black market. I mean in the end its just punishing law abiding sports shooters and hunters because those retards need a bill to be passed so they can collectively pat their backs until Abdul is going to get another black market AK.
We own guns but hunting rifles at best. 0 school shootings, first world.murder rate, pretty good I'd say
Guns don't appear on black market out of thin air. They used to be legal once too, but someone stole, lost, modified or smuggled them.
It's mostly the swiss that care.
And they aren't in EU so they can't do shit.
>not savages
Why are people unable to distinguish the difference between giving guns to law abiding citizens after scrutinous background checks and a mandatory gun safety course, and after they register the firearm to themselves. And literally selling guns at supermarkets to anyone who will buy them? Why do people always seem to forget that in switzerland, everyone has guns, and they have the lowest crime rate in Europe? Why can't you employ basic logic and understand that the problem is not the guns, the problem is who you let have the guns. It would be quite easy to heavily regulate the number of firearms allowed in to the country, and ensure they are not sold to undesirables.
Gun restriction is shit man.
I want tto an hero but im to pussy for the noose or high building jump
Normans are just asking for it by making me jump through hoops for it...
>implying guns can be tracked once they enter circulation
Remove gipsies then, not guns
Hello Martin
Gib guns and i will remove gypsies, chads and normans
Actually, civillians shouldn't own cars, they just get driven into a crowd and kill a lot of people.
People shouldn't own motor cycles either, you'll just crash and become a drain on society's resources.
Let's outlaw dogs, too. They're dangerous, loud, and scary, and nobody really needs a dog. If you really want one, you'll have to prove that you practice regularly with dogs and then you'll be applicable to apply for a dog permit (5kg weighing dogs or less, bigger dogs are for police and military only).
Get fucked, commie.
Civilians should have right to arm themselves as long as they pass a psych exam and can demonstrate they are capable of handling the firearm responsibly.
Problem is not in weapon, it's in the character of a person. Although easier availability of more lethal weapon does exacerbate the issue if the people are fucked in the head.
I'm just saying that the guns found on the black market are mostly stolen from ex-yu and commie weapons stockpiles and not so much from civilian shooters.
Personally, I dont really understand why we need a law for that on EU level.
Each country should be able to decite for its own what gun laws it wants.
People shouldn't be allowed to interact with each other. They get too angry sometime and that's how fights and murders happen.
Better to keep them all locked away in their homes 24/7
Pretty sure the main purpose of cars and dogs is not to maim and kill.
Analogy Failure.
This is also true. There are other areas where EU has backlog of work when it comes to cooperation on security measures - "gun directive" is just a kneejerk response intended to show "look guys we're doing something to thwart teh terrorists fo real, look how much we care"
Irrelevant. Cars do kill, their original design is irrelevant. Use the public transportation if you want to get around or get a cab. You murderer.
Also dogs's main purpose definitely is to kill and maim.
People who meet a certain level of muscle mass should be required to register their limbs and be segregated into safe zones away from the rest of the population. They should also be givin a constant supply of zoltoft and Ritalin from an IV that's attached to them to ensure they are always sedated. Remember, saftey first.
His original statement is true.
Bigger dog breeds were bred to hunt/fight/kill.
Smaller breeds were just bred for our amusement.
Gun ownership is a literal non issue. If your society is violent, it'll be violent with or without guns.
It's addressing the symptoms and not the causes.
That's like saying "wew Nazi germany sure was violent, let's outlaw nazism so it cannot come back again" while not addressing while would a people become so violent in the first place.
Ban assault dogs now! Think of the children!
>that retarded finn from pol
dogs purpose isnt to kill and maim either, but you are too retarded, uniformed and just way too far up your own ass to think
you have to go back mental shitskin
>some commie starts whining
>deflects with Sup Forums
>constructs a strawman about 'original design'
Horses cause more accidents than guns. Ban horses.
>Implying they can't
this isn't the 50's.
That is debatable, the issue with drawing conclusions is that in the case of terrorism an general anti-public attacks in Europe only the most organized and dedicated can get guns - like with the Paris attack and Brievic. They do the most damage, but you can blame it on them having guns or on them being organized well.
In america everybody can get a gun so all attacks, sloppy or organized well have guns in them. This creates a false perception that less guns doesn't mean weaker attacks, since the gun attacks in Europe are super bad.
I don't think we should think of guns in terms of the extreme cases, but in the general influence in society they may have. It's not about if Jamal the terrorist will have a gun but about the crack head that ran out of shit to inject has a gun imo. I feel the fact that everybody is armed is part of the reason why american police is so violent and unpersecuted.
They really can't. Arms manufacturers are pulling out of commiefornia in the US because it's not possible or feasible to comply with their retarded microstamping requirements.
And any trackers can be easily disabled or blocked.
Because its really easy to move guns around european for even private owners, so there needs to be a larger structural ruling on it.
Crack dealers have guns in Europe, you sheltered idiot. And because you cannot control arms, you will only create more victims by outlawing guns.
Besides which, has your retarded ass even looked at the directive? They're restricting guns based on magazine capacities, type and length. This is not about our natural right to bear arms and defend ourselves (our countries already have fucked us regarding that), this is a retarded ineffective knee-jerk reactionary directive based on lies and fabrication. Then we get idiots like you who think the fuckers are actually doing something.
>you will only create more victims by outlawing guns
How so? I'm not gonna argue that directive is very effective, but I don't see how it would create more victims. its not like people are likely to carry arms around to defend from armed crack dealers.
>outlawing guns
Also, no one is doing that. Stop being such a drama queen.
>Scream gun control
>Most of the crimes done with firearms are done with illegally acquired ones
Everytime i swear, Eu is purely retarded when it comes to gun control and how they wan't to control them.
its regulated just like guns my retarded polescapee friend
>you will only create more victims by outlawing guns
that's a nice theory and certainly an emotional reason to obtain a gun for self-defence, but at the end of the day it's just a power fantasy.
It's enough to say that criminals don't care about the regulations anyway, they're just a pointless insult to law abiding, honest citizens.
I signed a petition against it.
>Civilians shouldn't own guns unless it's for hunting
>Civilians shouldn't own anything potentially dangerous
>oh yes please fuck me harder government and take all my rights away, i am a little child who cares more about false sense of security
Because it's a slippery slope. We've seen it happen so many times; our rights are eroded little by little until there's nothing left or all that's left are firearms that cannot be used in practical scenarios. People do not carry because it's either illegal in our draconian shitholes or that they swallow the socialist narrative that nobody needs a gun. Bottom line is that guns are the best method of defense.
This directive was a direct attack against semi-automatic firearms and was revised to a less retarded form only because 'the evil gun lobbyists' were awake. It still gives our national anti-gunners an opportunity to start enacting harsher laws.
>People do not carry because it's either illegal in our draconian shitholes or that they swallow the socialist narrative that nobody needs a gun.
Or maybe because they don't live in a dystopian shithole were you need to carry a gun to be safe.
I don't fasten a seatbelt because I'm afraid of crashing a car, and I don't buy a fire extinguisher because I wish to see a fire. Similarly, I don't own a gun because I jerk off about using it. It merely is the most effective way of self-defense. Stop projecting.
I'm surprised to see that you'd even spout that crap when your country is one of the few that do allow concealed carry for everyone.
yeah sure, you sound very *pragmatic*
>Muh USA! Look at this gang filled 3rd world country across the ocean where law-abiding gun owners aren't even responsible for the crime! Wtf you want Europe to be like that???
This is not about need. It's about our rights. And if there's no need to carry guns there's no need to ban carry either. Who the fuck are you to decide what someone needs or doesn't need anyway?
Is that your idea of a reasonable and well constructed argument? All that's left is for you to start asking about my dick size.
>he wants every ahmed and erhan to be allowed to carry a gun and shoot thing sup in a drunk rage
Yeah no thanks. People are scum, if you try to sell me on "muh liberal freedums" you won't get anywhere, there is a reason we need police and laws.
Yeah gun freedom works better in countrie with small populations than in countries with large populations. Its a matter of social cohesion.
I don't share your interest in dicks, and your "slippery slope" hysterics don't really deserve any more effort either.
And virtually nobody carries, or is expected to carry, a firearm here. It's nice legal perk to have, but we're not a nation of /k/ autists.
You know why police actually exist, though? This might come as a surprise to you, but they are actually not responsible for your personal protection. They are there to solve and prevent crime, not to protect the populace. Go ahead and try calling the police and telling them you don't feel safe and see what they actually do about it.
Your personal protection is your own responsibility, nobody else's. And also these so-called "liberal freedums" are the cornerstones of our democratic society.
The majority of your license holders own firearms for self-defense. And while those people (about 240 000) may be a small portion of your whole population, are you trying to say here that the rights can be simply stripped away because so few people are using them?
I don't want the right to carry to be stripped. I'm glad the proposed directive was toned down and would've preferred if it was never proposed in first place.
I'm just not subscribing to your juvenile worship of guns. Normal people don't and should not need gun to feel safe. If they do, it's sign of either mental health problems or that the state is failing in some other respect. In either case gun regulation is not a solution.
>Normal people don't and should not need gun to feel safe. If they do, it's sign of either mental health problems or that the state is failing in some other respect
Well that's your shitty and ungrounded opinion to which you are of course entitled to.
>In either case gun regulation is not a solution.
You're absolutely right here though.
I think we used to be higher.. Urbanization is still a big thing among young people here. The new generations don't grow in an environment where they can just go shooting shit for fun in their backyard so only old people and people who dedicate time to shooting club hobbies and hunting have guns these days.
>stay in europe
>get shot or beheaded by shitskins
really makes you think
>Well that's your shitty and ungrounded opinion
>t. paranoid schizo
>to which you are of course entitled to.
at least we agree on the important part. Don't hurt yourself while cleaning your gun bro.
>oy vey, keep restricting guns, or you'll suddenly become A̵̫̳̰̺͈͉͜ͅͅM̖͎̱̀É̤̖͔̭̺̱̖̪R̠̩̫̮̬̯͘͠I̸̼̬̱ͅC̙̲̜̞͎̖͕̮̕͢͡A̖͚̣̳͓̼͘
That's just a stupid false dichotomy, and a slippery slope fallacy that """""certain people""""" use to appeal to the public's emotions. The EU is at no risk of suddenly becoming America because the current gun laws are "too lax" and I seriously doubt most people arguing against the directive are proposing an "American-style" system.
An initial restriction will have the biggest impact, but each further restriction has less and less of an impact to reduce crime, it's the law of diminishing returns.
Take all the Franco-Belgian terrorist incidents recently as an example. AK-pattern and other semi-automatic rifles are legal to own in Belgium, but the terrorists still decided to buy theirs illegally on the black market, smuggled into Belgium from Eastern Europe.
They did this because of entirely rational reasons, either they simply couldn't buy the rifles legally or the laws were too difficult to circumnavigate. They didn't choose to find a Belgian to buy them legally then have them "stolen," they weighed up the risk-reward ratio and decided to go straight to the black market, because it was easier for them personally, as would be the case for most other criminals.
I would guess that crime figures amongst legal gun owners in the EU are the same as they are here in Australia. That is, legal gun owners have lower crime rates as a group (both in violent crime and things like property offences) compared to the general public, and to most other groups. They have to be, in order to legally keep their guns. Therefore it's stupid to place further restrictions on a group which is already much better than average.
They have even stated that the laws aren't there to fix problems, it's to send a message that they care and do something.
>Your personal protection is your own responsibility
edgy libtard detected
>it's to send a message that they care and do something
That's literally fascism.
What are you talking about? It's a fact. If the police are not responsible, then who do you think is? Private security, if you're rich? Not even them. Who's left?
I know. What upsets me the most is peoples' attitude towards this whole farce. "You don't need it anyway", "it's for a good cause", "only schizos would even consider carrying so what's the issue", "it's a compromise". It's like people are completely oblivious to how retarded they are acting.
You just gotta explain that once the government has power over something, they will almost never willingly relinquish that power.
The easiest example is territory. No country will easily let go of their own territory, regardless of whether it's foreign aggression/invasion, internal separatism, or even something as simple as local council amalgamations.
But this does apply across all domains, almost no government decreases net taxation, decreases regulation over education, healthcare, product safety, etc. The entire point of passing new legislation is to concentrate more power to the government, that's practically what the job of parliamentarians is. But there is no branch of government which is tasked with relinquishing power, all other branches deal with interpretation, application, or administration of power.
Honestly, the only conclusion I can make is, unless people do something, all governments are taking either a long or short road to dictatorship. Obviously, I'm not talking short or medium term, I don't expect France or Germany to become dictatorships in the next twenty years, but over the course of a century or two and left alone, democratic governments will turn into dictatorships.
But you cannot tell people that, they'll just laugh at you and start calling you an "edgy libtard" or somesuch.
You literally can't hold a conversation with these people, they'll just point at things that are good and use that as an argument. "See, the government is doing this well and we don't have rampant crime and our education is good so you're the one who's wrong". It's like beating your head on a wall.
Because the ability to own a fire arm and defend yourself is a natural human right and some people value their inherit freedoms?
It's not. We're not some cowboys in the Wild West.
>It's not.
Stunning counter argument, I wish the entire world was populated with subservient people like you. it would make me a very happy king
Since we have open borders with criminal east europeans and african migrants I'm starting to feel more and more in favour of legalizing guns.
Are you saying that owning guns, the most effective method of self defense, is not a human right? Are you saying that self defense is not a human right, then?
And I know many in Dutch politics feel the same.
Although the EU with their directives will just ensure this will never happen.
You just have to start small, and you have to address what matters to your audience. You also have to offer alternative narratives.
These wankers usually just go to America as an example, because it's the lowest hanging fruit. Find a country that's more culturally appropriate, and has better outcomes.
For example, New Zealand is unquestionably more culturally similar to Australia. They also still allow semi-automatic rifles to be owned by the general population, and they haven't had rampant gun violence in the same period we've had them banned, so the only logical conclusion is, banning semi-automatics doesn't do anything.
I don't want to live in a society where I have to constantly watch my back.
Providing security is one of the essential functions of the state.
I do that. I've pointed out in the past that Estonia has legal concealed carry, and doesn't have any problems with gun crime. People will just yell "move there then if you like it so much".
But we have to watch our back BECAUSE we are in the EU. With their ridiculous rules.
I mean, just look at Britain. Most of their cops don't even have to carry a firearm. Police doesn't have to be militarised in order to be effective
So you have nothing to offer except for your feefees, then? Hoplophobia is an unfortunate condition, you should get that checked out.
And for the record, the state is not responsible for your safety in the least. They'll say that it is to make you feel good, but if you look at for example the legal definition of the role of law enforcement you'll probably find out what they are actually there for.
The UK is one of the most unsafe EU countries.
That's just because you're a pussy, it has nothing to do with the state. I'm sure they can provide you with some meds and a diaper if you really need it though, of course on someone else's tab.
The worst violence occurs when the state collapses. The Holocaust was conducted on territories of destroyed Eastern European states.
why are euros such massive faggots? the right to defend yourself and your property should be a fundamental part of any first world country. (((they))) want to disarm you because then you will be a less threatening goy to control. move to europe if you want to experience ahmed raping your family and robbing your home with no means to defend yourself
Did you just use the crime-ridden shithole that is bongistan as an example?
>The Metropolitan Police received the first 999 call about an assault at 14:20 and unarmed police were deployed. Subsequent 999 calls said the attackers had a firearm, and armed police were ordered to the scene at 14:24. Unarmed police arrived at 14:29, set up a cordon, and remained behind it.[41] Authorised Firearms Officers arrived at 14:34.
"So yeah we were at the scene in 5 minutes but could do fuck-all because the suspects had a weapon so we had to wait 10 extra minutes with our limp dicks until we got some firearms on the scene"
>not even the police need guns! T. Ignorant fucknugget
Time to kill enemies of the people, freedom or death, in must die.
And yeah I misread, the actual response time had been 9 minutes to get unarmed cops on the scene and extra 5 to get guns over. Point still stands.
Yes the USSR and Nazi Germany were anarchists where no state existed and the murders were not carried about by state orders but done by random people.