/éire/ + /eire/

Morning edition.

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there's like three threads already

janny's gonna lose his NUT

One got deleted because fuck knows why and the other's thankfully drifting to page 10.

mmmm yes very nice very good


People in Russia like potatoes very much too. Can we be friends?

you're mistaken my paedophiliatic friend, you replied to a dúgh*ll and not a true gael

As long as you don't nuke us when the Russo-EU war happens.

Detailed census data is out lads


>slipping slowly into germany-tier population


>brother convinced parents to put us all down as atheist because we don't go to mass


Well at least there's some good news.

Is that supposed to look like a pigeon in the thumbnail?

so this is what all that queer marriage shite was for, despite us probably being the least gay nation

lmaoing@boggers rn

>almost a fifth
How? I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere in the country and even I have good internet. Is this just old people without a computer in their cottage skewing the numbers?


>being the least gay nation
Not by a long shot. Every MENA country's got us beat at least.

About 1.5 million lied on the census then.

doubt it, just trying not to get the head chop


>mfw Irish revival completed within the decade without a word of the language being spoke

Link for everything



>atheism increased by 73%
just fuck my church up senpai

>124,000 failed to answer the question



dear god sweden

It's part of their culture don't be so Islamophobic.

what is that stock broker doing with those brown fellows?

He's sorting them out.

>already Thursday

>tomorrow is Friday

>be Dane
>get massacred

>only 468,400 people in Ireland have common sense

Hello /r/ireland.

Who the fuck votes on these things?

>Who the fuck votes on these things?

You didn't answer his question. I want the name of every single person who voted in this "census".

A phonebook might be a good place to start.

>having a phonebook

>not having a phonebook to hand at all times for emergency HEEMings

Phonebooks may be big but they're soft and difficult to swing. Hardback copybooks are the patrician beating book of choice.

>Phonebooks may be big but they're soft and difficult to swing
But you can also rip them apart as a display of strength to intimidate your enemies.

Needing to intimidate your enemies is like needing to peel an apple; only pansies do it.

Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.

tfw your purse is on the way

>the golden udder
Did RTÉ just stick a few pens in a football and cover it in golden glitter?

Don'y you mock our country's most sacred tradition.

Muslims +28.9%
Hindu +34.1%

>Muslim (Islamic)
As opposed to Muslim (Christian)?

all i care about is race

Of course. That's all they can afford when people won't pay their TV license. Poor RTÉ.

>TFW got an exemption on the TV license teat because Im dyslexic

also who the fuck is this spastic?
i'm gonna take a wild guess and assume he's straight outta /brit/

How does that even work?


I honestly wonder what TV would be like today if the internet didn't exist. Imagine still having to buy videos.


>posting a lower quality image of something already posted in the thread

>Muslims +28.9%

good lord

I'm surprised Orthodox is rising so much. I've never even heard of an Orthodox person here.

Why are there so many non-irish flags here? Reminds me of /mena/


Some Northern Irish like to post here as well as one Irishman living in France. The rest just come and go.

ive never met any of them in ireland
maybe theres some there now but i never seen em

Because the beatuy of Limerick has spread around the globe

Best poster.

Worst poster.

hey hey guys

guess what

beer is shit

Are you an immigrant or on vacation or something?
You're not a real american

Np,I just like the Irish


So many Americans have this shit-tier opinion. Have you ever tried drinking anything that wasn't that Coors or Bud Light shite?

Americans are mentally children, same reason why they can't operate a car with a gearstick.

manual cars aren't exactly rare here. i wager they're a lot more common in the countryside.

Going walkies for a while.

Too many good games coming out. Not enough time.

biggest man itt is me

fact check = true


>sans serif roman fonts

>tfw bought Nier, Zelda, RE7 and Persona 5 and barely even played them.

>he paid for the nintendo switch

Is Zelda like the only decent game on the Switch at the moment?

Where are the "Irish is on the rise!" fags now

Not sure if having a gf is better than not having one desu



>84% increase in dual Irish nationality

its certainly the only one anyone cares about


dual nationality are scum

>Shitaly are so irrelevant they're not even in your picture.

wat is even ur problem man

we're smart and more redpilled than anyone else

Btw who is this swissyank that gets here mentioned every thread?
It's for my Sup Forums history log.

proxy off mona

it shows a lack of loyalty not to renounce all non-Irish citizenship. Self-serving types like this should be destroyed.

An absolutely abhorrent phoneposter. If you search for the user Darada in the offsite archive that will give you a quick rundown on him, he has compiled a load of information on him and the shit he posts about, such as him posting awful irrelevant memes, lying about only posting in /éire/ on Sup Forums, claiming that the rest of this site is reddit and is obviously underaged, as he talks about his day in his secondary school all the time. There's more I'm forgetting but search for Darada and you'll get what you're looking for.