This show fucking sucked.
Why do people like it so much?
This show fucking sucked.
Why do people like it so much?
same reason why people enjoy memes
it helps them feel connected
its a show about nostalgiaing over 80s tropes
if thats not why youre into then the show sucks
charming cast
The cute boys of course.
Pandering to whom exactly?
It reminds them of the time before cultural marxism had finished total saturation.
There are at least 7 people on Sup Forums who are professional Netflix shills, they are probably paid more with many replies, that's why, coincidentally they are sometimes very critical of Trump, something shady for sure.
Because most people aren't constantly trying to feel superior to "normies".
He is 100% of the reason I am still planning on seeing the "It" remake even though the studio ruined it.
i'm only 3 episodes in but it definitely doesn't "fucking suck". it's pretty good.
>Dr. Brenner, I'm NSA
what did he mean by this?
they are just looking for attention
i like being part of the hivemind, it's why i join those threads about youtube celebrities and listen to their thoughts on the latest flicks, pure kino
He fucking sucks
with with lips around my dick
because it was a great show, quit trying to be so fucking contrarian at all times
There was no NSA prior to 9/11
because it's LE 80'S XD NOSALGIA! garbage
Fucking manchildren that have a false concept of what the 80's were like because they were literally infants and toddlers at the time.
It wasn't a good show. It's a blatant ripoff of It, only the monster isn't a giant spider.
The NSA was formed in 1952, you fucking retard.
Contrarian: Hey I don't like this thing.
Normal person: Okay that's fine.
Contrarian: No you don't understand! It's terrible!
Normal person: I disagree. It's cool if you don't like it though.
And you people wonder why you have no friends
t. someone who has literally never seen the movie "It"
>mfw I found out about this show through Sup Forums when it first came out
>mfw they predictably turned against it after reddit started liking it
Every fucking time.
You're thinking of the Department of Homeland Security.
Uh huh. Never read the book either.
The writing is derivitive of It and Stand By Me in a thousand different ways.
Just because there's no Pennywise, doesn't mean that every other plot detail isn't directly lifted from Stephen King's stuff.
It's like the show was written by Dean Koontz.
I dunno OP, your mom sucks and a lot of people seem to like her a lot.
Mmm no it's good.
Yeah but the show was bad
it's a meme show taylor made for reddit the pudding
This is true for every fucking piece of art media on every corresponding board.
Like fucking clockwork on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums. Same shit every fucking time.
Confirmed pedophiles.
Why is the edgelord contrarian culture so toxic on this site? Literally everything that most people like or are okay with is a problem here.
I'm glad you're offended on his behalf. Someone ought to be.
> Compelling and charming cast
> The upside down was cool
> Great pacing
> Cultural references and homages properly done
> Simple, predictable story from 30 years ago made with today's tech
Take your pick. What is not to like?
This OP fucking sucks
Why do people like him so much?
There's a lot of people here that have a thing called a life, and they don't binge watch every new show that airs.
After they get around to checking it out after the hype has died down, their critical thinking abilities get displayed.
I'm sorry you like a bad show, but hey, when you have no-life, it's hard to think critically about things.
Did that nigga just refer to himself in the third person?
>is looking watching
what did he mean by this?
also, that's a compliment, why should he be offended? He acknowledges his influence and the homage that is Stranger Things.
>ywn have a low budget equipment to start filming and make it into fame with your ideas to the point where your influences acknowledge you
time to rev the helium machine!
Because autists when see normal people their age with friends they have to come up with some reason for why no one wants to hang out with them, so they develop a false sense of superiority by channeling all of their interests in to obscure french cinema that not even the french like. Then once they convince themselves that their interests make them better than others they become incapable of enjoying anything outside of their hugbox of hentai and arthouse. Any things that become popular are seen as part of the society that rejected them.
its predictable as shit, happens ever time for sure
sad really
twitter illiteracy is rampant among seniors
>suggesting that a majority of the users on this website have a life lol
Anything to feed your superiority complex I guess...
Why is Stephen so fucking based?
and I don't get it; why is tweeter illiteracy a thing? Don't you type with your keyboard?
Not that guy but yeah it would be totally dumb not to admit that most of Stranger Things is derivative of King and Spielberg. "It" is a big one but the similarities to Firestarter and Polteregeist stood out the most to me. The difference is that the Duff Brothers haven't claimed their show to be anything more than that, a love letter to the TV, Films and books they grew up with. What they did was they managed to bottleneck all that influence into a coherent plot with likeable characters. It's a well made show with great direction, sound and cinematography.
If the nostalgic appeal is something that you can't get by then more power to you, you'll never like it and nothing anyone says will convince you otherwise. Just don't be baffled by people who appreciate the show, even for what it mimics. It's the same thing as Donnie Darko. Sure the plot is fairly juvenile, but it has this secret element of nostalgic comfort injected into it that makes it memorable and enjoyable for those who either seek that familiarity, or those who didn't grow up with it but somehow feel an attraction towards it.
Because waifu
For reals, though, the cast is very enjoyable and the atmosphere and setting is comfy despite the horror elements.
The story is meh but I don't really think it takes that much away from the show. It could have been amazing with a better script but instead, it's just good, and that's fine.
>"I have no fucking life, so no one else must either!"
Projecting much?
I think a lot of them get introduced to the app version when they get tablets and smartphones. Their kids tell them to download it. I bet he's typing on an ipad or something.
It's literally a combination of underage kids/impressionable teens (16-19) who love the 80s aesthetic and nostalgia, even though all their knowledge about that time comes from memes.
Then you have the """"adult"""" viewers who are raving about it because it is the new "it" show right now, and you're not "hip" if you aren't praising the fuck out of it on social media platforms. E.g:
If you say anything that is short of "best show ever made", you're literally worst than hitler in their eyes. Netflix has really pulled a number on these people.
>not seeing it cuz Finn is the cutest motherfucker on the planet