What's wrong with my butt hole ?

What's wrong with my butt hole ?


Hemorrhoids, my friend

This makes me wonder if anyone has ever injected that oil solution that people inject into their muscles to make them look bigger but in their asshole

Hmm yea that what I thought. How do I get rid of dem ?

Doc appt and surgery

Hey I was talking about posting my butthole on Sup Forums with my roommate a while back.
Buy some prep h bro.

Speed bumps

You have to buy a Sup Forums gold pass

There's shit there, ya know?

A little common decency does a long way,

well for instance it has blood coming out of it.. that's not right

you were raped

You have cauliflower anus from being buttbanged.

Transgender marks

Try Preparation H and a stool softener for a few days. If it clears up, great, if not, schedule an appointment with your doc.

Cream from your doc, then stop pushing so hard while you're pooping and stop sitting so much.

what about mine?

you know the rules

You've set the aperture too small. Try f/11, and see if that's better.

this Go to your doctor, he'll prescribe you some cream, if it doesn't work, surgery.
Have fun.

And so do i

Drink more water, get more fiber in your diet so you pass your stool more easily.
Sit in a couple inches of cool water in your tub 3-4 times a day for 10 mins or so. It makes a big difference
If that does nothing- doctor up for a more powerful prep-H cream and have fun applying goop to your butt.

IE eat better, drink more water, stop pushing so hard..


Looks like hemeroids

If you soak in a warm bath that can help the swelling go down. And thus eliviat the hemroid. Also. Don't sit on the toilet for so long..


It's on my fucking screen

Get lost faggot. I'd like to kill you.

Stop taking big cocks in the ass homoqueer

Speaking from experience?

My dicks not in it.


On topic– I have an anal fistula.

It sucks like all hell, but I keep it ridiculously clean every day and spend like 15 minutes cleaning it out after I shit.

Do I REALLY need to go to the doc? I've had it for a good 3 months, and fissures for like a few years that have all healed except this one that's now a fistula.

Sitting in the tub was the best thing I ever did when I had a bad case of the roids back in 13

Did you make abig poop?

You're taking pictures of it and posting it on Sup Forums

im not a gayfag so...uhh......does this butthole feel better to bang?

well I can tell you 120% not for the receiver

>I googled anal fistula in my innocence ignorance

Good lord, dude. Go to surgery inmediatly.
But first,pics pls.

i thing you just have hemorrhoids dude. theres a cream for that. when you shower use cold water on your asshole. id recommend some aloe vera to ease the burning sensation. good luck user

I'd add: enjoy applying goop to your butt. Maybe even slide a finger or two in whilst doing so. :D

Hemorrhoids, OP.

I got them once and this is how i got rid of them- fill a bathtub with water, and spread your ass and let the warm water soak it for a couple of hours. Should get rid of them. It's best to get rid of hemorrhoids fast, since every time you shit, you're basically ripping your asshole again, causing them to reopen and bleed once more

if trips pop them and post pics

closure is nice

Taking too many black dicks. Get some preparation H and you'll be back to smashing with nignogs in no time.

you need surgery. Even after surgery you will never be the same. You're in for a lifetime of itching blood and shit discharge. Eat lots of fiber drink lots of water never binge drink.

OP needs to take Zantac and was your asshole in the shower after pooping. Take the sprayer and clean it off.

My butt used to look like this. I used Prep-H gel initially to ease the itching and it slightly reduced the size of the hemorrhoids. Drink a lot of water, eat Extreme Wellness tortilla wraps or the equivalent (43% of your fiber needs in one serving), eat a lot of hot peppers (I swear habeneros cured me), oatmeal. Don't eat a lot of fast food, pop, and don't push hard. Also, shave your a hole.

squeeze that pimple near your labia please, make a video of it

Yes, I back my ass up to the bathtub faucet EVERY time after taking a shit.

civilized people have a bidet

I wish we had those in Merica. Most fat asses just wipe their asses with toilet paper and walk around normally. If a dog shit on your arm, would you wipe it off with paper and go about your business? HELL NO, you'd go to the the nearest sink and wash your arm. Why can't people fathom this?? I broke up with my last girlfriend over this. Her ass stank. Wash that shit after you shit you bitch.

do people really poop like this? Why isn't she squatting on the lid?

Japanfag? I lived there for 3 months and didn't know how to crap on the floor toilets. Thankfully the place I was staying had western toilets. I'm not judging, please instruct me on how to use the ground toilets. Just squat and go? You have to know, this is so foreign to a westerner.

your external hemorrhoids just ruptured, go to the pharmacy and get the strongest creme they have and wash you buthole before you apply

you know everyone on Sup Forums is 12, right? enjoy the party van


That's not the 'rroids. I have had the exact same issue - it's a blood vessel that has broken which causes swolleness and potentially infection.
Clean it every day with anti-bacteria fluid and use the same cream as for 'rroids.
It will be good in 1 to 2 weeks!